

  1. Étienne André and Romain Soulat. The Inverse Method. ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc. ISBN: 9781848214477. January 2013. (English) [PDF | BibTeX]

Proceedings of international conferences


  1. Étienne André and Sun Jun. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis {ATVA 2023), Part II. October 2023. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-45332-8 (English)
  2. Étienne André and Sun Jun. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis {ATVA 2023), Part I. October 2023. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-45329-8 (English)


  1. Étienne André and Mariëlle Stoelinga. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2019). September 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-29662-9 (English)


  1. Étienne André and Goran Frehse. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Synthesis of Complex Parameters (SynCoP 2015). April 2015. DOI: 10.4230/OASIcs.SynCoP.2015.i Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | BibTeX]


  1. Étienne André and Zhang Lei (张蕾). Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2014). August 2014. (English) [BibTeX]
  2. Étienne André and Goran Frehse. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Synthesis of Continuous Parameters (SynCoP 2014). April 2014. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.145 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | BibTeX]

Articles in international journals


  1. Johan Arcile and Étienne André. Zone extrapolations in parametric timed automata. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, April 2024. To appear. DOI: 10.1007/s11334-024-00554-5 (English) [PDF | data]
  2. Bineet Ghosh and Étienne André. Offline and online energy-efficient monitoring of scattered uncertain logs using a bounding model. Logical Methods in Computer Science 20(1), pages 2:1-2:33, January 2024. DOI: 10.46298/lmcs-20(1:2)2024 (English) [PDF | BibTeX | data]


  1. Bineet Ghosh and Étienne André. MoULDyS: Monitoring of autonomous systems in the presence of uncertainties. Science of Computer Programming 230, June 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.scico.2023.102976 (English) [data]
  2. Étienne André, Liu Shuang, Liu Yang (刘杨), Christine Choppy, Sun Jun and Dong Jin Song (董劲松). Formalizing UML State Machines for Automated Verification - A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys 55(13), pages 277:1-277:47, June 2023. DOI: 10.1145/3579821 (English)
  3. Johan Arcile and Étienne André. Timed automata as a formalism for expressing security: A survey on theory and practice. ACM Computing Surveys 55(6), pages 1-36, July 2023. DOI: 10.1145/3534967 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX]
  4. Masaki Waga (和賀 正樹), Étienne André and Ichiro Hasuo (蓮尾 一郎). Parametric Timed Pattern Matching. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 32(1), pages 10:1-10:35, February 2023. DOI: 10.1145/3517194 (English)


  1. Masaki Waga (和賀 正樹), Étienne André and Ichiro Hasuo (蓮尾 一郎). Model-Bounded Monitoring of Hybrid Systems. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 6(4), pages 30:1--30:26, November 2022. DOI: 10.1145/3529095 (English)
  2. Étienne André, Didier Lime and Olivier H. Roux. Reachability and liveness in parametric timed automata. Logical Methods in Computer Science 18(1), pages 31:1-31:41, February 2022. DOI: 10.46298/lmcs-18(1:31)2022 (English) [PDF]
  3. Étienne André, Didier Lime, Dylan Marinho and Sun Jun. Guaranteeing timed opacity using parametric timed model checking. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 31(4), pages 1-36, October 2022. DOI: 10.1145/3502851 (English) [PDF (author version) | data]


  1. Étienne André, Didier Lime, Mathias Ramparison and Mariëlle Stoelinga. Parametric analyses of attack-fault trees. Fundamenta Informaticæ 182(1), pages 69-94, September 2021. DOI: 10.3233/FI-2021-2066 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]
  2. Étienne André, Emmanuel Coquard, Laurent Fribourg, Jawher Jerray and David Lesens. Parametric schedulability analysis of a launcher flight control system under reactivity constraints. Fundamenta Informaticæ 182(1), pages 31-67, September 2021. DOI: 10.3233/FI-2021-2065 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]
  3. Étienne André, Didier Lime and Mathias Ramparison. Parametric updates in parametric timed automata. Logical Methods in Computer Science 17:2, pages 13:1-13:67, May 2021. DOI: 0.23638/LMCS-17(2:13)2021 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | BibTeX]
  4. Étienne André, Nguyễn Hoàng Gia, Laure Petrucci and Sun Jun. Distributed parametric model checking timed automata under non-Zenoness assumption. Formal Methods in System Design 59(1), pages 253-290, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10703-022-00400-z (English) [BibTeX | data]


  1. Étienne André, Tan Tian Huat (陈天发), Chen Manman (陈曼曼), Liu Shuang, Sun Jun, Liu Yang (刘杨) and Dong Jin Song (董劲松). Automated Synthesis of Local Time Requirement for Service Composition. International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling 19(4), pages 983–1013, March 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s10270-020-00787-5 (English) [PDF (author version) | data]
  2. Étienne André, Didier Lime and Nicolas Markey. Language Preservation Problems in Parametric Timed Automata. Logical methods in computer science 16(1), pages 5:1–5:31, January 2020. DOI: 10.23638/LMCS-16(1:5)2020 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | BibTeX]
  3. Étienne André, Benoît Delahaye and Paulin Fournier. Consistency in Parametric Interval Probabilistic Timed Automata. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 110, January 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jlamp.2019.04.007 (English) [PDF (author version)]


  1. Étienne André, Wojciech Jamroga, Michał Knapik, Wojciech Penczek and Laure Petrucci. Timed ATL: Forget Memory, Just Count. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 66, pages 197–223, September 2019. (English) [PDF]
  2. Étienne André, Michał Knapik, Didier Lime, Wojciech Penczek and Laure Petrucci. Parametric verification: An introduction. Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency 14, pages 64–100, November 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-60651-3_3 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX]
  3. Étienne André. What’s decidable about parametric timed automata?. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 21(2), pages 203–219, April 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s10009-017-0467-0 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version)]


  1. Étienne André and Lin Shang-Wei (林尚威). The language preservation problem is undecidable for parametric event-recording automata. Information Processing Letters 136, pages 17–20, August 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.ipl.2018.03.013 (English) [PDF (author version)]


  1. Étienne André, Thomas Chatain and César Rodríguez. ACM DL Author-ize servicePreserving Partial Order Runs in Parametric Time Petri Nets. Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 16(2), pages 43:1–43:26, December 2016. DOI: 10.1145/3012283 (English) [PDF | BibTeX]
  2. Étienne André, Mohamed Mahdi Benmoussa and Christine Choppy. Formalising Concurrent UML State Machines Using Coloured Petri Nets. Formal Aspects of Computing 28(5), pages 805–845, September 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s00165-016-0388-9 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]


  1. Étienne André, Liu Yang (刘杨), Sun Jun and Dong Jin Song (董劲松). Parameter Synthesis for Hierarchical Concurrent Real-Time Systems. Real-Time Systems Journal 50(5–6), pages 620–679, September 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11241-014-9208-6 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX]
  2. Lin Shang-Wei (林尚威), Étienne André, Liu Yang (刘杨), Sun Jun and Dong Jin Song (董劲松). Learning Assumptions for Compositional Verification of Timed Systems. Transactions on Software Engineering 40(2), pages 137–153, February 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2013.57 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX]


  1. Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg and Jeremy Sproston. An Extension of the Inverse Method to Probabilistic Timed Automata. Formal Methods in System Design 42(2), pages 119–145, April 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s10703-012-0169-x (English) [PDF (published version) | PDF (author version) | BibTeX]
  2. Sun Jun, Liu Yang (刘杨), Dong Jin Song (董劲松), Liu Yan (刘燕), Shi Ling and Étienne André. ACM DL Author-ize serviceModeling and Verifying Hierarchical Real-time Systems using Stateful Timed CSP. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 22(1), pages 3.1–3.29, February 2013. DOI: 10.1145/2430536.2430537 [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX]


  1. Étienne André, Thomas Chatain, Emmanuelle Encrenaz and Laurent Fribourg. An Inverse Method for Parametric Timed Automata. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 20(5), pages 819–836, 2009. DOI: 10.1142/S0129054109006905 (English) [PDF (published version) | PDF (author version) | BibTeX]

Articles in the proceedings of international conferences


  1. Masaki Waga (和賀 正樹) and Étienne André. Hyper parametric timed CTL. In Alessandro Biondi and Martina Maggio (eds.), EMSOFT’24, ACM/IEEE, September 2024. To appear. (English)
  2. Étienne André, Jaime Arias, Benoît Barbot, Francis Hulin-Hubard, Fabrice Kordon, Van-François Le and Laure Petrucci. CosyVerif: The Path to Formalisms Cohabitation. In Lars Michael Kristensen and Jan Martijn van der Werf (eds.), PetriNets’24, Springer LNCS 14628, pages 432-444, June 2024. Acceptance rate: 44%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-61433-0_21 (English)
  3. Jesse Reimann, Nico Mansion, James Haydon, Benjamin Bray, Agnishom Chattopadhyay, Sota Sato, Masaki Waga (和賀 正樹), Étienne André, Ichiro Hasuo (蓮尾 一郎), Yosuke Yokoyama and Yosuke Yokoyama. Temporal Logic Formalisation of ISO 34502 Critical Scenarios: Modular Construction with the RSS Safety Distance. In Juw Won Park and Adam Przybyłek (eds.), SAC’24, ACM, pages 186-195, April 2024. Acceptance rate: 23%. DOI: 10.1145/3605098.3636014 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF]
  4. Étienne André, Paul Eichler, Swen Jacobs and Shyam Karra. Parameterized Verification of Disjunctive Timed Networks. In Rayna Dimitrova and Ori Lahav (eds.), VMCAI’24, Springer LNCS 14499, pages 124-146, January 2024. Acceptance rate: 41%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-50524-9_6 (English) [BibTeX]


  1. Étienne André, Engel Lefaucheux, Didier Lime, Dylan Marinho and Sun Jun. Configuring Timing Parameters to Ensure Execution-Time Opacity in Timed Automata. In Maurice H. ter Beek and Clemens Dubslaff (eds.), TiCSA’23, pages 1-26, April 2023. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.392.1 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) (English) [PDF | BibTeX | Slides]
  2. Sebastian Altmeyer, Étienne André, Silvano Dal Zilio, Loïc Fejoz, Susanne Graf, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Michael González Harbour, Rafik Henia, Didier Le Botlan, Giuseppe Lipari, Julio Medina, Nicolas Navet, Sophie Quinton, Juan M. Rivas and Sun Youcheng (孙有程). From FMTV to WATERS: Lessons Learned from the First Verification Challenge at ECRTS. In Alessandro V. Papadopoulos (eds.), ECRTS’23, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), volume 262, pages 19:1-19:18, July 2023. DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.ECRTS.2023.19 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | BibTeX | data]
  3. Étienne André, Engel Lefaucheux and Dylan Marinho. Expiring opacity problems in parametric timed automata. In Yamine Aït-Ameur and Ferhat Khendek (eds.), ICECCS’23, IEEE, pages 89-98, June 2023. Acceptance rate: 35%. DOI: 10.1109/ICECCS59891.2023.00020 (English) [BibTeX]


  1. Étienne André, Shapagat Bolat, Engel Lefaucheux and Dylan Marinho. strategFTO: Untimed control for timed opacity. In Cyrille Artho and Peter Ölveczky (eds.), FTSCS’22, Springer LNCS, pages 27-33, December 2022. DOI: 10.1145/3563822.3568013 (English) [PDF (author version) | Slides]
  2. Étienne André, Dylan Marinho, Laure Petrucci and Jaco van de Pol. Efficient Convex Zone Merging in Parametric Timed Automata. In Sergiy Bogomolov and David Parker (eds.), FORMATS’22, Springer LNCS 13465, pages 200-218, September 2022. Acceptance rate: 47%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-15839-1_12 (English) [data | Slides]
  3. Étienne André, Masaki Waga (和賀 正樹), Natsuki Urabe and Ichiro Hasuo (蓮尾 一郎). Exemplifying parametric timed specifications over signals with bounded behavior. In Klaus Havelund, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh and Ivan Perez (eds.), NFM’22, Springer LNCS 13260, pages 470-488, May 2022. Acceptance rate: 36%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-06773-0_25 (English) [PDF (author version) | data]
  4. Bineet Ghosh and Étienne André. Monitoring of scattered uncertain logs using uncertain linear dynamical systems. In Mohammad Mousavi and Anna Philippou (eds.), FORTE’22, Springer LNCS 13273, pages 67-87, June 2022. Acceptance rate: 43%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-08679-3_5 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]
  5. Johan Arcile and Étienne André. Zone extrapolations in parametric timed automata. In Klaus Havelund, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh and Ivan Perez (eds.), NFM’22, Springer LNCS 13260, pages 451-469, May 2022. Acceptance rate: 36%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-06773-0_24 (English) [PDF (author version) | data]


  1. Étienne André. IMITATOR 3: Synthesis of timing parameters beyond decidability. In Rustan Leino and Alexandra Silva (eds.), CAV’21, Springer LNCS 12759, pages 1-14, July 2021. Acceptance rate: 27%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-81685-8_26 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | data | Slides]
  2. Étienne André, Dylan Marinho and Jaco van de Pol. A Benchmarks Library for Extended Timed Automata. In Frédéric Loulergue and Franz Wotawa (eds.), TAP’21, Springer LNCS 12740, pages 39-50, June 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-79379-1_3 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  3. Étienne André, Jaime Arias, Laure Petrucci and Jaco van de Pol. Iterative bounded synthesis for efficient cycle detection in parametric timed automata. In Jan Friso Groote and Kim G. Larsen (eds.), TACAS’21, Springer LNCS 12651, pages 311-329, March 2021. Acceptance rate: 33%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72016-2_17 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | BibTeX | data]
  4. Masaki Waga (和賀 正樹), Étienne André and Ichiro Hasuo (蓮尾 一郎). Model-bounded monitoring of hybrid systems. In Mohammad Al Farque and Meeko Oishi (eds.), ICCPS’21, pages 21-32, May 2021. Acceptance rate: 26%. DOI: 10.1145/3450267.3450531 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]


  1. Étienne André and Aleksander Kryukov. Parametric non-interference in timed automata. In Yi Li and Alan Liew (eds.), ICECCS’20, pages 37-42, October 2020. Acceptance rate: 33%. DOI: 10.1109/ICECCS51672.2020.00012 (English) [PDF (author version) | data | Slides]


  1. Étienne André, Didier Lime and Mathias Ramparison. On the expressive power of invariants in parametric timed automata. In Jun Pang and Jing Sun (eds.), ICECCS’19, IEEE, pages 87-96, November 2019. Acceptance rate: 24%. DOI: 10.1109/ICECCS.2019.00017 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX]
  2. Étienne André, Jawher Jerray and Sahar Mhiri. Time4sys2imi: A tool to formalize real-time system models under uncertainty. In Robert M. Hierons and Mohamed Mosbah (eds.), ICTAC’19, Springer LNCS, pages 113–123, November 2019. Acceptance rate: 14%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32505-3_7 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]
  3. Étienne André and Sun Jun. Parametric timed model checking for guaranteeing timed opacity. In Yu-Fang Chen, Chih-Hong Cheng and Javier Esparza (eds.), ATVA’19, Springer LNCS 11781, pages 115–130, October 2019. Acceptance rate: 42%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31784-3_7 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  4. Étienne André, Paolo Arcaini, Angelo Gargantini and Marco Radavelli. Repairing timed automata clock guards through abstraction and testing. In Dirk Beyer and Chantal Keller (eds.), TAP’19, Springer LNCS 11823, pages 129–146, October 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31157-5_9 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]
  5. Masaki Waga (和賀 正樹), Étienne André and Ichiro Hasuo (蓮尾 一郎). Symbolic monitoring against specifications parametric in time and data. In Işil Dillig and Serdar Tasiran (eds.), CAV’19, Springer LNCS 11561, pages 520–539, July 2019. Acceptance rate: 26%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-25540-4_30 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX]
  6. Étienne André, Didier Lime and Mathias Ramparison. Parametric updates in parametric timed automata. In Jorge A. Pérez and Nobuko Yoshida (eds.), FORTE’19, Springer LNCS 11535, pages 39–56, June 2019. Acceptance rate: 43%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-21759-4_3 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX]
  7. Étienne André, Didier Lime, Mathias Ramparison and Mariëlle Stoelinga. Parametric analyses of attack-fault trees. In Jörg Keller and Wojciech Penczek (eds.), ACSD’19, IEEE, pages 33–42, June 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ACSD.2019.00008 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]
  8. Étienne André, Emmanuel Coquard, Laurent Fribourg, Jawher Jerray and David Lesens. Parametric schedulability analysis of a launcher flight control system under reactivity constraints. In Jörg Keller and Wojciech Penczek (eds.), ACSD’19, IEEE, pages 13–22, June 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ACSD.2019.00006 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]
  9. Étienne André. Formalizing Time4sys using parametric timed automata. In Dominique Méry and Shengchao Qin (eds.), TASE’19, IEEE, pages 176–183, July 2019. Acceptance rate: 34%. DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2019.00031 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  10. Masaki Waga (和賀 正樹) and Étienne André. Online Parametric Timed Pattern Matching with Automata-Based Skipping. In Julia Badger and Kristin Yvonne Rozier (eds.), NFM’19, Springer LNCS 11460, pages 371–389, May 2019. Acceptance rate: 39%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-20652-9_26 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]
  11. Étienne André, Vincent Bloemen, Laure Petrucci and Jaco van de Pol. Minimal-Time Synthesis for Parametric Timed Automata. In Tomáš Vojnar and Lijun Zhang (eds.), TACAS’19, Springer LNCS 11428, pages 211–228, April 2019. Acceptance rate: 30%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-17465-1_12 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]
  12. Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg, Jean-Marc Mota and Romain Soulat. Verification of an industrial asynchronous leader election algorithm using abstractions and parametric model checking. In Constantin Enea and Ruzica Piskac (eds.), VMCAI’19, Springer LNCS 11388, pages 409–424, January 2019. Acceptance rate: 44%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11245-5_19 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  13. Étienne André, Benoît Delahaye, Paulin Fournier and Didier Lime. Parametric timed broadcast protocols. In Constantin Enea and Ruzica Piskac (eds.), VMCAI’19, Springer LNCS 11388, pages 491–512, January 2019. Acceptance rate: 44%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11245-5_23 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]


  1. Étienne André, Ichiro Hasuo (蓮尾 一郎) and Masaki Waga (和賀 正樹). Offline timed pattern matching under uncertainty. In Anthony Widjaja Lin and Jun Sun (eds.), ICECCS’18, IEEE CPS, pages 10–20, December 2018. Acceptance rate: 37%. DOI: 10.1109/ICECCS2018.2018.00010 🏆 Best paper award. (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  2. Étienne André. A benchmarks library for parametric timed model checking. In Cyrille Artho and Peter Csaba Ölveczky (eds.), FTSCS’18, Springer CCIS 1008, pages 75–83, November 2018. Acceptance rate: 45%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-12988-0_5 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  3. Étienne André, Didier Lime and Mathias Ramparison. TCTL model checking lower/upper-bound parametric timed automata without invariants. In David N. Jansen and Pavithra Prabhakar (eds.), FORMATS’18, Springer LNCS 11022, pages 37–52, September 2018. Acceptance rate: 48%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00151-3_3 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  4. Étienne André, Didier Lime and Mathias Ramparison. Timed automata with parametric updates. In Thomas Chatain and Radu Grosu (eds.), ACSD’18, IEEE, pages 21–29, June 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ACSD.2018.000-2 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]


  1. Étienne André, Nguyễn Hoàng Gia and Laure Petrucci. Efficient parameter synthesis using optimized state exploration strategies. In Zhenjiang Hu and Guangdong Bai, (eds.), ICECCS’17, IEEE CPS, pages 1–10, November 2017. Acceptance rate: 40%. DOI: 10.1109/ICECCS.2017.28 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  2. Étienne André. A unified formalism for monoprocessor schedulability analysis under uncertainty. In Laure Petrucci, Cristina Seceleanu and Ana Cavalcanti (eds.), FMICS-AVoCS’17, Springer LNCS 10471, pages 100–115, September 2017. Acceptance rate: 45%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-67113-0_7 🏆 Best paper award. (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  3. Li Jiaying, Sun Jun, Gao Bo (高博) and Étienne André. Classification based Parameter Synthesis for Parametric Timed Automata. In Zhenhua Duan and Luke Ong (eds.), ICFEM’17, Springer LNCS 10610, pages 243–261, November 2017. Acceptance rate: 35%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68690-5_15 (English)
  4. Étienne André and Lin Shang-Wei (林尚威). Learning-based compositional parameter synthesis for event-recording automata. In Ahmed Bouajjani and Alexandra Silva (eds.), FORTE’17, Springer LNCS 10321, pages 17–32, June 2017. Acceptance rate: 40%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60225-7_2 🏆 Best FORTE paper award and best DisCoTec paper award. (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  5. Étienne André and Didier Lime. Liveness in L/U-Parametric Timed Automata. In Axel Legay and Klaus Schneider (eds.), ACSD’17, IEEE, pages 9–18, June 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ACSD.2017.19 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  6. Étienne André, Nguyễn Hoàng Gia, Laure Petrucci and Sun Jun. Parametric model checking timed automata under non-Zenoness assumption. In Clark Barrett, Misty Davies and Temesghen Kahsai (eds.), NFM’17, Springer LNCS 10227, pages 35–51, May 2017. Acceptance rate: 38%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57288-8_3 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  7. Étienne André, Michał Knapik, Wojciech Jamroga, Wojciech Penczek and Laure Petrucci. Timed ATL: Forget Memory, Just Count. In Sanmay Das and Ed Durfee (eds.), AAMAS’17, IFAAMAS, pages 1460–1462, May 2017. Acceptance rate: 48%. (English) [PDF]


  1. Étienne André, Didier Lime and Olivier H. Roux. Decision Problems for Parametric Timed Automata. In Kazuhiro Ogata and Mark Lawford (eds.), ICFEM’16, Springer LNCS, pages 400–416, November 2016. Acceptance rate: 42%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47846-3_25 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  2. Baptiste Parquier, Laurent Rioux, Rafik Henia, Romain Soulat, Olivier H. Roux, Didier Lime and Étienne André. Applying parametric model-checking techniques for reusing real-time critical systems. In Cyrille Artho and Peter Csaba Ölveczky (eds.), FTSCS’16, Springer CCIS 694, pages 129–144, November 2016. Acceptance rate: 39%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-53946-1_8 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  3. Étienne André. Parametric Deadlock-Freeness Checking Timed Automata. In Augusto Cesar Alves Sampaio and Farn Wang (eds.), ICTAC’16, LNCS 9965, Springer, pages 469–478, October 2016. Acceptance rate: 43%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-46750-4_27 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  4. Étienne André and Benoît Delahaye. Consistency in Parametric Interval Probabilistic Timed Automata. In Curtis Dyreson, Michael R. Hansen and Luke Hunsberger (eds.), TIME’16, IEEE, pages 110–119, October 2016. Acceptance rate: 47%. DOI: 10.1109/TIME.2016.19 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  5. Étienne André, Didier Lime and Olivier H. Roux. On the Expressiveness of Parametric Timed Automata. In Martin Fränzle and Nicolas Markey (eds.), FORMATS’16, LNCS 9884, Springer, pages 19–34, August 2016. Acceptance rate: 44%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44878-7_2 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  6. Étienne André, Michał Knapik, Wojciech Penczek and Laure Petrucci. Controlling Actions and Time in Parametric Timed Automata. In Jörg Desel and Alex Yakovlev (eds.), ACSD’16, IEEE, pages 45–54, June 2016. Acceptance rate: 47%. DOI: 10.1109/ACSD.2016.20 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX]
  7. Tan Tian Huat (陈天发), Chen Manman (陈曼曼), Sun Jun, Liu Yang (刘杨), Étienne André, Dong Jin Song (董劲松) and Xue Yinxing. ACM DL Author-ize serviceOptimizing Selection of Competing Services with Probabilistic Hierarchical Refinement. In Willem Visser and Laurie Williams (eds.), ICSE’16, IEEE, pages 85–95, June 2016. Acceptance rate: 19%. DOI: 10.1145/2884781.2884861 (English) [PDF | BibTeX]
  8. Étienne André. What’s decidable about parametric timed automata?. In Cyrille Artho and Peter Csaba Ölveczky (eds.), FTSCS’15, Springer CCIS 596, pages 1–17, January 2016. Acceptance rate: 37%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29510-7_3 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]


  1. Étienne André, Didier Lime and Olivier H. Roux. Integer-Complete Synthesis for Bounded Parametric Timed Automata. In Mikołaj Bojańczyk, Sławomir Lasota and Igor Potapov (eds.), RP’15, LNCS 9328, Springer, pages 7–19, September 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-24537-9_2 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  2. Étienne André, Camille Coti and Nguyễn Hoàng Gia. Enhanced Distributed Behavioral Cartography of Parametric Timed Automata. In Michael Butler, Sylvain Conchon and Fatiha Zaïdi (eds.), ICFEM’15, Springer LNCS 9407, pages 319–335, November 2015. Acceptance rate: 33%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-25423-4_21 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  3. Étienne André and Nicolas Markey. Language Preservation Problems in Parametric Timed Automata. In Sriram Sankaranarayanan and Enrico Vicario (eds.), FORMATS’15, Springer LNCS 9268, pages 27–43, September 2015. Acceptance rate: 45%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-22975-1_3 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | PDF (long author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  4. Étienne André and Laure Petrucci. Unifying Patterns for Modelling Timed Relationships in Systems and Properties. In Daniel Moldt, Heiko Rölke and Harald Störrle (eds.), PNSE’15, CEUR-WS volume 1372, pages 25–40, June 2015. (English) [PDF]
  5. Étienne André, Thomas Chatain and César Rodríguez. Preserving Partial Order Runs in Parametric Time Petri Nets. In Stefan Haar and Roland Meyer (eds.), ACSD’15, IEEE, pages 120–129, June 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ACSD.2015.20 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version)]
  6. Étienne André and Laure Petrucci. Decrypting Cryptography. In Anikó Costa and Robin Braun (eds.), ITHET’15, IEEE, pages 1–5, June 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ITHET.2015.7218013 (English)
  7. Étienne André, Giuseppe Lipari, Nguyễn Hoàng Gia and Sun Youcheng (孙有程). Reachability Preservation Based Parameter Synthesis for Timed Automata. In Klaus Havelund, Gerard Holzmann, Rajeev Joshi (eds.), NFM’15, LNCS 9058, Springer, pages 50–65, April 2015. Acceptance rate: 31%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-17524-9_5 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]


  1. Lê Đình Thuận, Nguyễn Hữu Vũ, Nguyễn Van Tinh, Mai Phuong Nam, Pham-Duy Bao-Trung, Quản Thành Thơ, Étienne André, Laure Petrucci and Liu Yang (刘杨). PeCAn: Compositional Verification of Petri Nets Made Easy. In Franck Cassez and Jean-François Raskin (eds.), ATVA’14, Springer LNCS, pages 242–247, November 2014. Acceptance rate: 38%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11936-6_18 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX]
  2. Étienne André, Mohamed Mahdi Benmoussa and Christine Choppy. Formalising Concurrent UML State Machines Using Coloured Petri Nets. In Nguyen Viet-Ha, Le Anh-Cuong, and Huynh Van-Nam (eds.), KSE’14, Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 473–486, November 2014. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11680-8_38 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  3. Étienne André, Christine Choppy and Thierry Noulamo. Modelling Timed Concurrent Systems Using Activity Diagram Patterns. In Nguyen Viet-Ha, Le Anh-Cuong, and Huynh Van-Nam (eds.), KSE’14, Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, November 2014. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11680-8_27 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  4. Étienne André, Camille Coti and Sami Evangelista. ACM DL Author-ize serviceDistributed Behavioral Cartography of Timed Automata. In Jack Dongarra, Yutaka Ishikawa, and Atsushi Hori (eds.), EUROMPI/ASIA’14, ACM, September 2014. Acceptance rate: 46%. DOI: 10.1145/2642769.2642784 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  5. Étienne André, Fabrice Kordon and Laure Petrucci. Teaching Formal Methods: Experience at UPMC and UP13 with CosyVerif. In Bahar Karaoglan (eds.), EAEEIE’14, IEEE, pages 31–34, May 2014. (English) [PDF (author version)]
  6. Étienne André, Mohamed Mahdi Benmoussa and Christine Choppy. Translating UML State Machines to Coloured Petri Nets Using Acceleo: A Report. In Liu Yang and Pang Jun (eds.), ESSS’14, EPTCS 150, pages 1–7, May 2014. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.150.1 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  7. Giuseppe Lipari, Sun Youcheng (孙有程), Étienne André and Laurent Fribourg. Toward Parametric Timed Interfaces for Real-Time Components. In Étienne André and Goran Frehse (eds.), SynCoP’14, EPTCS 145, pages 49–64, April 2014. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.145.6 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | BibTeX]
  8. Tan Tian Huat (陈天发), Chen Manman (陈曼曼), Étienne André, Sun Jun, Liu Yang (刘杨) and Dong Jin Song (董劲松). ACM DL Author-ize serviceAutomated Runtime Recovery for QoS-based Service Composition. In Andreid Broder, Kyuseok Shim and Torsten Suel (eds.), WWW’14, ACM, pages 563–574, May 2014. Acceptance rate: 13%. DOI: 10.1145/2566486.2568048 (English) [PDF]


  1. Sun Youcheng (孙有程), Romain Soulat, Giuseppe Lipari, Étienne André and Laurent Fribourg. Parametric Schedulability Analysis of Fixed Priority Real-Time Distributed Systems. In Cyrille Artho and Peter Ölveczky (eds.), FTSCS’13, Volume 419 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, pages 212–228, October 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05416-2_14 (English) [PDF (author version) | Slides]
  2. Étienne André, Benoît Barbot, Clément Démoulins, Lom Messan Hillah, Francis Hulin-Hubard, Fabrice Kordon, Alban Linard and Laure Petrucci. A Modular Approach for Reusing Formalisms in Verification Tools of Concurrent Systems. In Lindsay Groves and Jing Sun (eds.), ICFEM’13, Springer LNCS, pages 199–214, October 2013. Acceptance rate: 32%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-41202-8_14 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  3. Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg and Romain Soulat. Merge and Conquer: State Merging in Parametric Timed Automata. In Hung Dang-Van and Mizuhito Ogawa (eds.), ATVA’13, LNCS 8172, Springer, pages 381–396, October 2013. Acceptance rate: 37%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02444-8_27 (English) [PDF (author version) | PDF (long author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  4. Étienne André. Dynamic Clock Elimination in Parametric Timed Automata. In Christine Choppy and Jun Sun (eds.), FSFMA’13, OASIcs (volume 31), Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, pages 18–31, July 2013. DOI: 10.4230/OASIcs.FSFMA.2013.18 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  5. Étienne André, Giuseppe Pellegrino and Laure Petrucci. Precise Robustness Analysis of Time Petri Nets with Inhibitor Arcs. In Víctor Braberman and Laurent Fribourg (eds.), FORMATS’13, LNCS 8053, Springer, pages 1–15, August 2013. Acceptance rate: 44%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40229-6_1 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  6. Étienne André, Christine Choppy and Gianna Reggio. Activity Diagrams Patterns for Modeling Business Processes. In Roger Lee (eds.), SERA’13, Volume 496 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, pages 197–213, August 2013. Acceptance rate: 41%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00948-3_13 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  7. Étienne André, Lom Messan Hillah, Francis Hulin-Hubard, Fabrice Kordon, Yousra Lembachar, Alban Linard and Laure Petrucci. CosyVerif: An Open Source Extensible Verification Environment. In Yang Liu and Andrew Martin (eds.), ICECCS’13, pages 33–36, July 2013. Acceptance rate: 45%. DOI: 10.1109/ICECCS.2013.15 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  8. Étienne André. Observer Patterns for Real-Time Systems. In Yang Liu and Andrew Martin (eds.), ICECCS’13, pages 125–134, July 2013. Acceptance rate: 45%. DOI: 10.1109/ICECCS.2013.26 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  9. Étienne André, Liu Yang (刘杨), Sun Jun, Dong Jin Song (董劲松) and Lin Shang-Wei (林尚威). PSyHCoS: Parameter Synthesis for Hierarchical Concurrent Real-Time Systems. In Natasha Sharygina and Helmut Veith (eds.), CAV’13, LNCS 8044, Springer, pages 984–989, July 2013. Acceptance rate: 33%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-39799-8_70 (English) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  10. Liu Shuang, Liu Yang (刘杨), Étienne André, Christine Choppy, Sun Jun, Bimlesh Wadhwa and Dong Jin Song (董劲松). A Formal Semantics for the Complete Syntax of UML State Machines with Communications. In Luigia Petre and Einar Broch Johnsen (eds.), iFM’13, LNCS 7940, Springer, pages 331–346, June 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38613-8_23 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | PDF (long author version) | BibTeX]
  11. Tan Tian Huat (陈天发), Étienne André, Sun Jun, Liu Yang (刘杨), Dong Jin Song (董劲松) and Chen Manman (陈曼曼). Dynamic Synthesis of Local Time Requirement for Service Composition. In Betty H.C. Cheng and Klaus Pohl (eds.), ICSE’13, IEEE Press, pages 542–551, May 2013. Acceptance rate: 18%. DOI: 10.1109/ICSE.2013.6606600 (English) [PDF | BibTeX]


  1. Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg, Ulrich Kühne and Romain Soulat. IMITATOR 2.5: A Tool for Analyzing Robustness in Scheduling Problems. In Dimitra Giannakopoulou and Dominique Méry (eds.), FM’12, LNCS 7436, Springer, pages 33–36, August 2012. Acceptance rate: 27%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32759-9_6 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data]
  2. Lin Shang-Wei (林尚威), Liu Yang (刘杨), Sun Jun, Dong Jin Song (董劲松) and Étienne André. Automatic Compositional Verification of Timed Systems. In Dimitra Giannakopoulou and Dominique Méry (eds.), FM’12, LNCS 7436, Springer, pages 272–276, August 2012. Acceptance rate: 27%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32759-9_24 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX]
  3. Étienne André, Christine Choppy and Kaïs Klaï. ACM DL Author-ize serviceFormalizing Non-Concurrent UML State Machines Using Colored Petri Nets. In Isabelle Perseil (eds.), UML&FM’12, pages 1–8, August 2012. DOI: 10.1145/2237796.2237819 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  4. Étienne André, Liu Yang (刘杨), Sun Jun and Dong Jin Song (董劲松). Parameter Synthesis for Hierarchical Concurrent Real-Time Systems. In Isabelle Perseil, Marc Pouzet and Karin Breitman (eds.), ICECCS’12, IEEE Computer Society, pages 253–262, July 2012. Acceptance rate: 29%. DOI: 10.1109/ICECCS.2012.29 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  5. Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg and Romain Soulat. Enhancing the Inverse Method with State Merging. In Alwyn Goodloe and Suzette Person (eds.), NFM’12, LNCS 7226, Springer, pages 100–105, April 2012. Acceptance rate: 39%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28891-3_10 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | PDF (long author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  6. Étienne André, Kaïs Klaï, Hanen Ochi and Laure Petrucci. A Counterexample­‐Based Incremental and Modular Verification Approach. In Radu Calinescu and David Garlan (eds.), Monterey’12, LNCS 7539, Springer, pages 283–302, August 2012. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34059-8_15 (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]


  1. Lin Shang-Wei (林尚威), Étienne André, Dong Jin Song (董劲松), Sun Jun and Liu Yang (刘杨). An Efficient Algorithm for Learning Event-Recording Automata. In Tevfik Bultan and Pao-Ann Hsiung (eds.), ATVA’11, LNCS 6996, Springer, pages 463–472, 2011. Acceptance rate: 48%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24372-1_35 (English) [PDF (author version) | PDF (long author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  2. Étienne André and Romain Soulat. Synthesis of Timing Parameters Satisfying Safety Properties. In Giorgio Delzanno and Igor Potapov (eds.), RP’11, LNCS 6945, Springer, pages 31–44, 2011. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24288-5_5 (English) [PDF (author version) | PDF (long author version) | BibTeX | Slides]


  1. Étienne André. IMITATOR II: A Tool for Solving the Good Parameters Problem in Timed Automata. In Yu-Fang Chen and Ahmed Rezine (eds.), INFINITY’10, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 39, pages 91–99, 2010. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.39.7 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (English) [PDF (published version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]
  2. Étienne André and Laurent Fribourg. Behavioral Cartography of Timed Automata. In Antonín Kučera and Igor Potapov (eds.), RP’10, LNCS 6227, Springer, pages 76–90, September 2010. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15349-5_5 (English) [PDF (published version) | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]


  1. Étienne André and Laurent Fribourg. An Inverse Method for Policy-Iteration Based Algorithms. In Azadeh Farzan and Axel Legay (eds.), INFINITY’09, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 10, pages 44–61, 2009. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.10.4 (English) [PDF (published version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  2. Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg and Jeremy Sproston. An Extension of the Inverse Method to Probabilistic Timed Automata. In Markus Roggenbach (eds.), AVoCS’09, Electronic Communications of the EASST 23, European Association of Software Science and Technology, 2009. DOI: 10.14279/tuj.eceasst.23.306 (English) [PDF (published version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  3. Étienne André. IMITATOR: A Tool for Synthesizing Constraints on Timing Bounds of Timed Automata. In Martin Leucker and Carroll Morgan (eds.), ICTAC’09, LNCS 5684, Springer, pages 336–342, August 2009. Acceptance rate: 25%. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03466-4_22 (English) [PDF (published version) | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | data | Slides]


  1. Étienne André, Thomas Chatain, Emmanuelle Encrenaz and Laurent Fribourg. An Inverse Method for Parametric Timed Automata. In Vesa Halava and Igor Potapov (eds.), RP’08, ENTCS 223, Elsevier Science Publishers, pages 29–46, September 2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.entcs.2008.12.029 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]

Articles in the proceedings of national conferences


  1. Étienne André and Laure Petrucci. La cryptographie décryptée. In ? (eds.), WPRT’14, ?, November 2014. (Français) [PDF (author version)]


  1. Étienne André, Thomas Chatain, Olivier De Smet, Laurent Fribourg and Silvain Ruel. Synthèse de contraintes temporisées pour une architecture d’automatisation en réseau. In Didier Lime and Olivier H. Roux (eds.), MSR’09, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 43(7-9), Hermès, pages 1049–1064, 2009. (Français) [PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]



  1. Étienne André. IMITATOR: parametric verification of real-time systems. WINTERFESTA’18, December 2018. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) (English) [PDF (author version)]


  1. Étienne André, Giuseppe Lipari and Sun Youcheng (孙有程). IMITATOR: Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems Under Uncertainty. In Steve Goddard and Harini Ramaprasad (eds.), ECRTS’15, July 2015. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) (English) [PDF]


  1. Étienne André and Ulrich Kühne. Parametric Analysis of Hybrid Systems Using HyMITATOR. In Franco Mazzanti and Gianluca Trentanni (eds.), iFM’12, CNR and ISTI e-book, pages 20, June 2012. (English) [PDF | PDF (author version)]


  1. Étienne André, Pirouz Bazargan-Sabet, Rémy Chevallier, Emmanuelle Encrenaz, Laurent Fribourg, Dominique Le Dû and Patricia Renault. Project VALMEM: Functional and Timed Validation of Embedded Memories Using Formal Methods. Grand colloque ANR STIC’10, December 2009. (English) [PDF]

Other publications


  1. Sun Youcheng (孙有程), Étienne André and Giuseppe Lipari. Verification of Two Real-Time Systems Using Parametric Timed Automata. In Sophie Quinton and Tullio Vardanega (eds.), WATERS’15, July 2015. (English) [PDF (author version)]


  1. Étienne André, Fabrice Kordon, Alban Linard and Laure Petrucci. IOP: Tool Integration in the CosyVerif Platform. In Catherine Dubois, Laurence Duchien, and Nicole Levy (eds.), GDR GPL’14, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, pages 143–146, June 2014. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | Slides]
  2. Étienne André, Benoît Delahaye, Peter Habermehl, Claude Jard, Didier Lime, Laure Petrucci, Olivier H. Roux and Tayssir Touili. Beyond Model Checking: Parameters Everywhere. In Catherine Dubois, Laurence Duchien, and Nicole Levy (eds.), GDR GPL’14, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, pages 171–175, June 2014. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | Slides]


  1. Étienne André, Mohamed Mahdi Benmoussa and Christine Choppy. Formalisation des diagrammes états-transitions UML concurrents. MSR’13, Actes posters de MSR 2013, pages 1–3, November 2013. (Français) [PDF]


  1. Étienne André and Shweta Garg (श्वॆता). Robustness Analysis of Time Petri Nets. In Yngve Lamo and Uwe Egbert Wolter (eds.), NWPT’12, pages 1–3, October 2012. (English) [PDF | PDF (author version) | BibTeX | Slides]
  2. Étienne André and Ulrich Kühne. Parametric Analysis of Hybrid Systems Using HyMITATOR. In Franco Mazzanti and Gianluca Trentanni (eds.), iFM’12, CNR and ISTI e-book, pages 16–19, June 2012. (English) [PDF | PDF (author version)]


  1. Étienne André. Une méthode inverse pour les plus courts chemins. ETR’09, 2009. (Français) [PDF | BibTeX | Slides]

Research reports


  1. Liu Shuang, Liu Yang (刘杨), Étienne André, Christine Choppy, Sun Jun, Bimlesh Wadhwa and Dong Jin Song (董劲松). A Formal Semantics for the Complete Syntax of UML State Machines with Communications (Report Version). Research report, National University of Singapore, April 2013. (English) [PDF]


  1. Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg and Romain Soulat. Enhancing the Inverse Method with State Merging. Research report LSV-11-26, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, December 2011. 7 pages. (English) [PDF | BibTeX]
  2. Lin Shang-Wei (林尚威), Étienne André, Dong Jin Song (董劲松), Sun Jun and Liu Yang (刘杨). An Efficient Algorithm for Learning Event-Recording Automata (full version). Research report, National University of Singapore, July 2011. 15 pages. (English) [PDF | BibTeX | Slides]
  3. Étienne André and Romain Soulat. Synthesis of Timing Parameters Satisfying Safety Properties (full version). Research report LSV-11-13, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, May 2011. 31 pages. (English) [PDF | BibTeX | Slides]


  1. Étienne André. Synthesizing Parametric Constraints on Various Case Studies Using IMITATOR II. Research report LSV-10-21, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, December 2010. 66 pages. (English) [PDF | BibTeX]
  2. Étienne André, Abdelrezzak Bara, Pirouz Bazargan-Sabet, Rémy Chevallier, Dominique Le Dû, Emmanuelle Encrenaz, Laurent Fribourg and Patricia Renault. Experiments of Prototype Tools on Case Studies, Comparison of obtained results and Conclusion. Research report, 2010. 31 pages. (English) [PDF | BibTeX]
  3. Étienne André. IMITATOR II User Manual. Research report LSV-10-20, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, November 2010. 31 pages. (English) [PDF | BibTeX]


  1. Étienne André. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About IMITATOR (But Were Afraid to Ask). Research report LSV-09-20, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, July 2009. 11 pages. (English) [PDF | BibTeX]
  2. Étienne André, Emmanuelle Encrenaz and Laurent Fribourg. Synthesizing Parametric Constraints on Various Case Studies Using IMITATOR. Research report LSV-09-13, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, June 2009. 18 pages. (English) [PDF | BibTeX]