Hello! I am NGUYỄN Hoàng Gia

I am a Ph.D student (doctorat) working in the ♥ LoVe ♥ team (Logics and Verification, formerly LCR) at the computer science department LIPN (UMR CNRS) in the University Paris 13. My thesis directors are Laure Petrucci, Étienne André.

My current research is related to Formal Methods and Distributed Computing. For Formal Methods, I especially focus on verification of timed systems under uncertainty, i.e., with timing parameters, and notably on parametric timed model-checking. For Distributed Computing, I analyze and design distributed algorithms for parametric timed model-checking.

Keywords: Model Checking, Verification, Distributed Computing, Distributed and Concurrent Systems, Timed systems, Parametric Timed Automata, Parameter synthesis.


My academic curriculum, teaching and activities.


My publications, posters, slides, talks, etc.

Experience and Curriculum Vitae


🏠 Bureau B103, LIPN Laboratory, Paris 13 University, 99 Avenue Jean Baptiste Clément, 93430 Villetaneuse, France

📧 hoanggia.nguyen at lipn.univ-paris13.fr

📱 (+33) 7 68 64 62 62
