
Category theory

I am interested in all topics relating to category theory. My specialism is in topos theory, and more specifically in toposes whose objects are actions of monoids. Since arriving at LIPN as a post-doc in 2022 I have been researching various applications of category theory in computer science, including:

  • Models of λ-calculus with Thomas Seiller and Will Troiani,
  • An algebraic-geometry-style approach to descriptive complexity theory with Damiano Mazza and
  • A reformulation of categorical models of differential linear logic with Marie Kerjean and Valentin Maestracci.
I organise the Category Theory working group between LIPN and the neighbouring mathematics lab, LAGA. I am also a moderator and active member on the Category Theory Zulip channel; send me a message if you would like an invite link!

Abstract monoids

The notion of monoid requires relatively little categorical structure to define. That means that we can study monoids in all sorts of contexts, and try to understand how they are transformed by functors between these contexts. It also means that there are all sorts of ways to build actions of monoids, from the simplest kind (set-monoids acting on sets, as in my early work) to those appearing in representation theory (set-monoids acting on vector spaces), topology (topological monoids acting on topological spaces) or ergodic theory (measurable monoids acting ergodically on measure spaces), to more exotic monoids (indexed monads). My long term research goals revolve around lifting tools from conventional domains in which monoids and groups act to be able to apply those tools across contexts.

Complexity theory

Monoid actions appear in computability and complexity theory at a very abstract level: we can define a generic model of computation to consist of a space (of configurations), which might carry a topological or measure structure, equipped with a monoid action expressing the effect of the operations which the model is capable of performing. Programs, possibly subject to some constraints, form structures over these actions, and so complexity classes emerge as invariants. My current research program, which is developing in the cracks between collaborations, is to try to use toposes of monoid actions as a context for computing and comparing these actions alongside other monoid actions.


Geometric morphisms between toposes of monoid actions: factorization systems

Jens Hemelaer, Morgan Rogers (2024)
Theory and Applications of Categories, volume 40.

Toposes of topological monoid actions

Morgan Rogers (2023)
Compositionality, volume 5.

On Supercompactly and Compactly Generated Toposes

Morgan Rogers (2023)
Theory and Applications of Categories, volume 37.

Monoid Properties as Invariants of Toposes of Monoid Actions

Jens Hemelaer, Morgan Rogers (2021)
Applied Categorical Structures , volume 29.


Recent Preprints

From free idempotent monoids to free multiplicatively idempotent rigs

Morgan Rogers (2024) arXiv.

Topoi with enough points

Ivan Di Liberti, Morgan Rogers (2024) arXiv.


IUT de Villetaneuse

BUT Réseaux et Télécoms (Moodle). Responsable de cours/TDs de première et deuxième année, principalement:
  • R1.01 - Initiation aux réseaux informatiques (TD)
  • R1.07 - Fondamentaux de la programmation (CM/TP)
  • R1.08 - Base des systèmes d'exploitation (TP)
  • R2.08 - Analyse et traitement de données structurées (TP)
  • R3.08 - Consolidation de la programmation (TP)
  • R4.15 - Cryptographie (CM/TD)
  • Cette année suis responsable de la suivie de poursuite d'études pour les étudiants de deuxième et troisième année.
Masters research projects (stages)
The following are projects I am proposing. The former falls squarely into (categorical) logic, the latter is an algebra project. Both have scope to lead into PhD projects.
De Morgan toposes. English description; French description.
Quantifying Burnside semigroups and rigs. English description.