Northern Paris Computer Science Lab


The Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris-Nord (LIPN) is a joint research unit (UMR 7030) between the CNRS and the University of Paris XIII, called Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN).

The ambition of the LIPN is to attack the major challenges spanning from fundamental research to the valorization of the obtained results and to develop its research activities by promoting scientific collaborations and interdisciplinarity with the surrounding environment.

The main themes of the unit, organized around five research teams with 150 members, are machine learning, combinatorial optimization and high performance computing, design and analysis of combinatorial models at the interface of physics, geometry and algorithmics, foundations of computation and formal verification, automatic natural language processing and knowledge representation.


To carry out its research, the LIPN is composed of 6 research teams:

We also have the Administrative and IT teams, which are there to ensure the smooth running of the laboratory’s activities.
The research carried out by the members of LIPN has resulted in a few thousand publications.

Our affiliations

Sorbonne Paris Nord University logo (white on blue background)
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