
Jean-Christophe Dubacq

Jean-Christophe Dubacq est maître de conférences au LIPN (recherche) et enseigne à l'IUT of Villetaneuse. Les deux font partie de Paris 13 University qui est membre de Sorbonne Paris Cité. Jean-Christophe Dubacq est actuellement chef du département informatique de l'IUT.

Vous trouverez plus d'information sur sa recherche et ses enseignements.

Un curriculum vitæ plutôt orienté recherche est disponible. Je propose aussi une liste au format BibTeX de mes publications.

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  booktitle = {Distributed Systems},
  volume = {1: Design and Algorithms},
  chapter = {5},
  title = {Practical {S}ecurity in {D}istributed {S}ystems},
  author = {Benoit Bertholon and Christophe C\'{e}rin and Camille Coti and Jean-Christophe Dubacq and Sebastien Varrette},
  ALTeditor = {Serge Haddad and Fabrice Kordon and Laurent Pautet and Laure Petrucci},
  publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons (S. Haddad, F. Kordan, L. Pautet \& L. Petrucci ed.)},
  pages = {239--301},
  year = {2011},

  author = 	 {Christophe C{\'e}rin and Jean-Christophe Dubacq and Thomas H{\'e}rault and Ronan Keryell and Jean-Louis Pazat and Jean-Louis Roch and S{\'e}bastien Varette},
  title = 	 {Syst{\`e}mes r{\'e}partis en action : S{\'e}curit{\'e} dans les grilles de calcul},
  chapter = 	 {8},
  publisher = 	 {Hermes Science Publications / Lavoisier},
  year = 	 {2008},
  series = 	 {Informatique et syst{\`e}mes d'information},
  address = 	 {Paris},
  month = 	 nov,
  pages = 	 {153--186},
  note = 	 {ISBN: 978-2-7462-1943-4}

  author = 	 {Heithem Abbes and Jean-Christophe Dubacq},
  title = 	 {Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Protocols Performance for Establishing a Decentralized Desktop Grid Middleware},
  booktitle =	 {Euro-Par 2008 Workshops - Parallel Processing},
  pages =	 {235-246},
  year =	 {2009},
  editor = 	 {Eduardo C{\'e}sar and Michael Alexander and Achim Streit and Jesper Larsson Träff and Christophe C{\'e}rin and Andreas Kn{\"u}pfer and Dieter Kranzlmüller and Shantenu Jha},
  volume = 	 {5415},
  series = 	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  month = 	 apr,
  publisher =      {Springer},
  isbn =           {978-3-642-00954-9}

  author = 	 {Jean-Christophe Dubacq and Jean-Yves Moyen},
  title = 	 {Study of the NP-completeness of the Compact Table problem},
  booktitle =	 {Proceedings of the First Symposium on Cellular Automata Journ\'{e}es Automates Cellulaires},
  pages =	 {451--464},
  year =	 {2008},
  editor =	 {Bruno Durand},
  address =	 {Moscow},
  month =	 apr,
  publisher =	 {MCCME Publishing House},
  isbn =         {978-5-94057-377-7}

  author = 	 {Heithem Abbes and Christophe C{\'e}rin and Jean-Christophe Dubacq and Mohamed Jemni},
  title = 	 {{\'E}tude de performance des syst{\`e}mes de d{\'e}couverte de ressources},
  booktitle = {{A}ctes de {F}ribourg'2008 : {R}enpar'18 / {S}ymp{A}'2008 / {CFSE}'6 },
  address = 	 {{F}ribourg, {S}witzerland},
  year = 	 {2008},
  month = 	 feb,
  note =         {{P}ublication on {CDROM} only },
  url =          {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00276323/en/},
  author = 	 {Heithem Abbes and Christophe C\'erin and Jean-Christophe Dubacq and Mohamed Jemni},
  title = 	 {Performance Analysis of Publish/Subscribe Systems},
  institution =  {Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris Nord},
  year = 	 {2007},
  type = 	 {Rapport de recherche / Research Report},
  number = 	 {XX},
  month = 	 jul,
  url =          {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00159388/fr/},
  author = 	 {Christophe C\'erin and Jean-Christophe Dubacq and Jean-Louis Roch},
  title = 	 {Methods for Partitioning Data to Improve Parallel Execution Time for Sorting on Heterogeneous Clusters},
  booktitle =      {Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing},
  pages = 	 {175--186},
  year = 	         {2006},
  editor = 	 {Yeh-Ching Chung and Jos{\'e} E. Moreira},
  volume = 	 {3947},
  series = 	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  month = 	 may,
  publisher =      {Springer},
  isbn =           {3-540-33809-8}
  author = 	 {Jean-Christophe Dubacq and V{\'e}ronique Terrier},
  title = 	 {Signals for Cellular Automata in Dimension 2 or Higher},
  booktitle =	 {LATIN 2002: Theoretical Informatics, 5th Latin American Symposium, Cancun, Mexico, April 3-6, 2002, Proceedings},
  pages =	 {451--464},
  year =	 {2002},
  editor =	 {Sergio Rajsbaum},
  volume =	 {2286},
  series =	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  month =	 may,
  publisher =	 {Springer},
  isbn =         {3-540-43400-3}
  author = 	 {Jean-Christophe Dubacq and Bruno Durand and Enrico Formenti},
  title = 	 {{Kolmogorov} complexity and cellular automata classification},
  journal = 	 {Theoretical Computer Science},
  year = 	 {2001},
  volume = 	 {259},
  number = 	 {1--2},
  pages = 	 {271--285},
  month = 	 may
  author = 	 {Jean-Christophe Dubacq},
  title = 	 {Notion de pr{\'e}fixe dans la complexit{\'e} de Kolmogorov et les mod\`{e}les de calcul},
  school = 	 {\'Ecole normale sup\'erieure de Lyon},
  year = 	 {2000},
  type = 	 {Th\`ese de doctorat},
  month = 	 oct
  author = 	 {Jean-Christophe Dubacq},
  title = 	 {Introduction \`{a} la th{\'e}orie algorithmique de l'information},
  institution =  {\'Ecole normale sup\'erieure de {L}yon},
  year = 	 {1998},
  type = 	 {Rapport de recherche / Research Report},
  number = 	 {05},
  month = 	 may
  author =       {Jean-Christophe Dubacq},
  title =        {How to simulate {Turing Machines} by invertible one-dimen\-sional cellular automata.},
  journal =      {Int. J. of Found. of Comp. Sci.},
  year =         1995,
  volume =       6,
  number =       4,
  pages =        {395--402},
  month =        dec
  author = 	 {Jean-Christophe Dubacq},
  title = 	 {Signaux rapides en plusieurs dimensions},
  school = 	 {\'Ecole normale sup\'erieure de Lyon},
  year = 	 {1995},
  type = 	 {DEA / Master degree}},
  month = 	 sep,
  note =         {LIP, ENS Lyon}
  author = 	 {Jean-Christophe Dubacq},
  title = 	 {\'Etude des automates cellulaires inversibles},
  school = 	 {\'Ecole normale sup\'erieure de Lyon},
  year = 	 {1993},
  type = 	 {Licence / Bachelor degree}},
  address = 	 {},
  month = 	 jul
  note =         {LIP, ENS Lyon}

  author = 	 {Jean-Christophe Dubacq},
  title = 	 {Different Kinds of Neighborhood-Varying Cellular Automata},
  school = 	 {\'Ecole normale sup\'erieure de Lyon},
  year = 	 {1994},
  type = 	 {Ma{\^{\i}}trise / Honour Bachelor degree}},
  address = 	 {},
  month = 	 sep,
  note =         {CS dept, IIT Chennai}
avril 2010
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février 2008
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