Northern Paris Computer Science Lab

The Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord (LIPN) is a joint research unit (UMR 7030) between the CNRS and the University of Paris XIII, called Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN), with 150 researchers. Its main research thopics are machine learning, combinatorial optimization and high performance computing, design and analysis of combinatorial models at the interface of physics, geometry and algorithmics, foundations of computation and formal verification, automatic natural language processing and knowledge representation.

The LIPN offers theses, internships and postdocs. To see our offers in more detail, please visit the recruitment page !

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#AOC Seminar

Designing sustainable diet plans by solving tri-objective 0-1 programs

Marianna De Santis

2025-03-06 10:30:00, #SéminaireAOC
Salle C212

#A3 Seminar

Intelligent Facilitation of Deliberation in Online Debates

Caren Al Anaissy

2025-03-06 12:00:00, #SéminaireA3
Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse

#A3 Seminar

Détection de communautés disjointes : une nouvelle méthode basée sur ?-similarité structurell

Motaz ben hassine

2025-03-20 12:00:00, #SéminaireA3
Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse

Permanent posts

Associate Professor Position in Machine Learning


BUT Informatique

Address: IUT de Villetaneuse

The recruited person will be responsible for teaching IT in BUT at the IT department of the IUT of Sorbonne Paris Nord University in initial training and apprenticeship.
The IUT of Villetaneuse is located on the Villetaneuse campus in the immediate vicinity of the Paris Nord Computer

Permanent posts

Associate Professor Position in Combinatorics


Département informatique – Institut Galilée

Address: Campus de Villetaneuse – Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

The Computer Science Department of Institut Galilée contributes to different programs and curricula:
Bachelor’s, Master’s, graduate school, Sup’Galilée engineering school. The

Permanent posts

Full Professor Position in Computer Science

Keywords: Deep learning for NLP, fundamental aspects of machine learning


Computer Science Department – Institut Galilée

Location: Villetaneuse Campus – Sorbonne Paris Nord University

The Computer Science department of Institut Galilée contributes in different curricula of the institute:
Bachelor, Master,

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