
News :

Introducing the future LIPN building !

You can follow the construction progress on the new MathSTIC building, which will house the LIPN, LAGA and L2TI laboratories at the Villetaneuse campus of Sorbonne Paris Nord University, on this timelapse.


Back-to-the-lab day at the LIPN

On October 10, the laboratory held its back-to-school day. It was an opportunity to hear from new lab members, announce the year’s news and key deadlines, and take part in a bilingual theater play on

Gender-balanced, inclusive theater in the lab!

On October 10, during LIPN’s Annual General Meeting, the Entrée de jeu theater company staged a play about parity and academic inclusivity in computer science. The play was staged in collaboration with the IRIF

Morgan Rogers, new Associate Professor in Category Theory at the Logic and Verification (LoVe) team

We are thrilled to welcome Morgan Rogers as an Associate Professor. He is a researcher in category theory, looking for abstractions that isolate the essential features of a solution to a problem.
His specialty is toposes of actions of monoids, but the toolkit is always expanding.


Events :

A Bi-level Approach for Last-Mile Delivery

#AOC Seminar

Maria Elena Bruni

2025-01-09 10:30:00, #SéminaireAOC
Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse

A Bi-level Approach for Last-Mile Delivery

#AOC Seminar

Maria Elena Bruni

2025-01-09 10:30:00, #SéminaireAOC
Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse

A Bi-level Approach for Last-Mile Delivery

#AOC Seminar

Maria Elena Bruni

2025-01-09 10:30:00, #SéminaireAOC
Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse

A Bi-level Approach for Last-Mile Delivery

#AOC Seminar

Maria Elena Bruni

2025-01-09 10:30:00, #SéminaireAOC
Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse

Titre bientôt disponible

#RCLN Seminar

Paul Lerner

2025-01-13 12:15:00, #SéminaireRCLN
Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse

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