
SynCoP 2015

2nd International Workshop on Synthesis of Complex Parameters

Saturday 11th of April 2015, London, UK



The workshop took place on Saturday 11th April 2015 in London, UK.

The proceedings have been published as OASIcs Vol. 44. The entire volume can also be downloaded as a single PDF file here.

SynCoP took place in the Mile End campus of Queen Mary University of London, in the Bancroft building (building #31 in the campus map). Lunches and coffee breaks will be in the Octagon (#19a in the map), which is part of the Queens' building (#19). Additional information can be found on the ETAPS workshops page.

9h20 - 9h35
Welcome address (Étienne André) [slides]
9h35 - 10h30
Invited talk: Parosh Abdulla (chair: Goran Frehse)
View Abstraction – A Tutorial (joint work with Fréderic Haziza and Lukáš Holík) [slides (keynote)] [slides (PDF)]
10h30 - 11h
coffee break
11h - 12h30
Session 1 (chair: Parosh Abdulla)
12h30 - 14h
Lunch break
14h - 15h
Invited talk: Marta Kwiatkowska (chair: Étienne André)
15h - 16h
session 2 (chair: Marta Kwiatkowska)
Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen and Radu Mardare. Parametric Verification of Weighted Systems [slides]
16h - 16h30
coffee break
16h30 - 17h
session 3 (chair: Kim Larsen)
17h - 18h30
Informal presentations (chair: Kim Larsen)
Nicolas David, Claude Jard, Didier Lime, and Olivier H. Roux. Discrete Parameters in Petri Nets (accepted at Petri Nets 2015) [slides]
Alessandro Cimatti, Alberto Griggio, Sergio Mover and Stefano Tonetta. Parameter Synthesis with IC3 (presented at FMCAD 2013) [slides]
Final remarks [slides]
19h -
SynCoP dinner
At Verdi’s, 237 Mile End, London, UK E1 4AA