I am a PhD student, since september 2022, supervised by Marie Kerjean and Stefano Guerrini.
Member of the LoVe team in the LIPN laboratory, at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord.
Here you can find a short [CV].
I am mainly interested in the relation between mathematics and computer science through logic, and more precisely the Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondance.
I have worked on various topics such as (differential) linear logic, game semantics and realizability theory.
Research activities
Publications and preprints
Unifying graded linear logic and differential operators (long version)
with Flavien Breuvart and Marie Kerjean, Submitted.
[preprint | arxiv] -
Unifying graded linear logic and differential operators
with Flavien Breuvart and Marie Kerjean, at FSCD 2023.
[paper | bibtex | HAL version]
- Graded differential linear logic: can we go higher-order?
- Indexed differential linear logic and Laplace transform
- Unifying graded linear logic and differential operators
Research internships
Before the begininng of my PhD, I did a few reseach internships :- Quantitative semantics for event structures (2022), supervised by Glynn Winskel and Chris Heunen.
[report] - An indexed differential linear logic (2021), supervised by Marie Kerjean and Flavien Breuvart.
[report] - A category of implicative algebras (2020), supervised by Alexandre Miquel, Etienne Miquey and Valentin Blot.
[report] - Transitivité et minimalité des machines de Turing (2019), supervised by Nicolas Ollinger.
2024-2025 :
- TP d'UNIX (L1)
- TD de spécification algébrique (L2)
- TP de programmation web (L1)
2023-2024 :
- TD-TP de programmation en C (L1)
- TD de logique (L1)
- TP de programmation web (L1)
2022-2023 :
- TP de bases de données (L3)
- TD de programmation en C (L1)
- TD de logique (L1)
- TP de programmation en OCaml (L3)
Contact information
- Email : mirwasser [at] lipn.fr
- Adress : Office B311 - LIPN - 99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément 93430 Villetaneuse