Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 10 mai 2016 à 10h30 en B107, Gérard Duchamp nous parlera de : Abélianisation et majorations de Lappo-Danilevski (4/4) : Propriétés de croisssance

Résumé : In this talk, we start from two sources [i) The poly- and hyper-logarithms ii) the classic Dyson series] in order to develop the theory of noncommutative differential equations, giving a touch of Lie-theoretic insights to understand the interplay between orbits and coordinates which are - following Gelfand's paradigm - special functions. The talk(s) will be illustrated with concrete examples and explicit computations.


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