Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 26 septembre 2023 à 14h00 en B107 & visioconférence, Sergio Cabello nous parlera de : Barrier resilience problems and crossing numbers of graphs

Résumé : In an effort to provide breadth instead of going deep into a single topic, the talk will cover two sets of geometric problems that are unrelated and suitable for a general audience interested in discrete mathematics and algorithms. In the first part I will explain variants of the barrier resilience problem, where the aim is to go from a source point to a target point in the plane visiting as few monitored regions as possible. The problem appears in sensor networks and in robotics, and its solution is related to vertex-disjoint paths/cycles in graphs. In the second part I will talk about crossing numbers of graphs and what we know about the crossing number of planar graphs with an additional edge.

 [Slides.pdf] [vidéo]

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