Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 21 octobre 2019 à 10h50 en Amphi Darwin, Minmin Wang nous parlera de : Prunings, cut trees and the reconstruction problem

Résumé : We consider prunings of two families of continuum random trees: the Lévy trees and the inhomogeneous continuum random trees. The so-called cut trees encode the genealogies of the fragmentations that come with the pruning. The reconstruction problem asks how much information about the initial tree is retained in its cut tree and how to recover it from the cut tree. We propose a new approach to the reconstruction problem, which has been treated previously for the Brownian CRT and for the stable trees. Our approach does not rely upon self-similarity and can apply to both Lévy trees and inhomogeneous continuum random trees. Joint work with Nicolas Broutin and Hui He.

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