Birzeit 2018 Conference
"Applied Mathematics and Random Structures" Location: Birzeit University, Palestine Dates: August 27 to 30, 2018 Pratical InformationsThe Organizing Committee will offer transportation from the Royal Court Hotel to the university during the days of the conference (go and back).The conference will take place in the Faculty of Science, Room S240 during the four days. You will find a helping boards in the main entrances of the university indicating the place of the conference. The registration desk will be in-front of the Faculty of Science available in every day morning. You can register and get the final program. Each participant will be given a certificate of participation. Scientific ReportScientific ReportProgram![]() Detailed program and summariesDescriptionBirzeit 2018 Conference is mainly intended to foster future collaborations between Palestinian and French universities or research centres; enhancing collaborations with US or European Institutions is also hoped for. Birzeit 2018 Conference provides an opportunity for dissemination of important and recent results in the field of Applied Mathematics and Statistics with Applications to Economy, Industry, and Science.Regarding Applied Mathematics, we will consider as a non-exhaustive list of topics: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations; Stochastic Applications to Mathematical Finance and Life Insurance, Non-linear Recurrences. We will address researches in randomness, probability or statistics, with a special focus on random graphs and trees, and random walks. Contributions related to algorithms on graphs and trees are also welcomed. Besides their great theoretical interest, random graphs and trees have numerous applications: world-wide web, biological networks, statistical criteria of decision, software and hardware programming and architecture. Random walks have been the subjects of intensive research during the last years; the methods used go from combinatorics and singularity analysis to large scale computer algebra. Very often, discrete structures have continuous limits, by instance Brownian motions for discrete random walks; this allows some fruitful interplay between discrete mathematics and probability theory. A tutorial for the freeware computer algebra system SAGE will be scheduled during the conference. Master Students and Faculty Members are welcome to attend, interact, exchange ideas and discuss the trends and prospects of future research. AccommodationThe participants who asked for accomodation will stay at the Royal Court Hotel of Ramallah:Organizing committee :
Scientific committee
Registration (closed)mail to the organizers. Provisional list of courses
Provisional list of one hour talks
Provisional list of 1/2 hour talks