Frédérique Bassino, Professor, University
"Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures"
Random generation plays an important role in domains dealing with
enormous volumes of data, for example in interaction networks
(computer, sociological, biological networks); in this case, random
generation allows the comparison of models and the evaluation of their
adequacy for real data.
We will present methods to draw at random combinatorial objects. More
precisely, to generate the objects one can use ad hoc methods or
generic approaches like Markov chains, the recursive method and
Boltzmann samplers.
We will mainly focus on generic generation with the following
combinatorial methods :
- The recursive method due to Nijenhuis and Wilf allows both exhaustive
and random generation. It was systematized by Flajolet, Zimmermann and
Van Custem to treat decomposable structures.
- Boltzamnn samplers, introduced by Duchon, Flajolet, Louchard and
Schaeffer, are based on the idea that an object receives a probability
essentially proportional to an exponential of its size. A Boltzmann
generator is a program randomly generating objects according to this
probability distribution. They generate structures in linear time.