Room B107, 12h.
A triangulation of a convex polygon Σ is a set of pairwise non-crossing diagonals of Σ that decompose this polygon into triangles. The flip-graph F(Σ) of Σ is the graph whose vertices are these triangulations and whose edges connect two triangulations when they differ by a single diagonal. It turns out that F(Σ) can be represented alternatively using any Catalan family instead of triangulations and one can for example replace triangulation by binary trees and flips by rotations between them. This graph is the edge-graph of a polytope---the associahedron---and the complexity of computing distances between its vertices is a major open problem in computer science.
In a first part, this talk will focus on an elementary 2-approximation algorithm for flip distance computation and on a popular heuristics for this problem, based on the number of arcs crossings between two triangulations.
The second part focuses on the Sleator--Tarjan--Thurston 3-dimensional triangulation model for the paths in F(Σ). In their seminal 1988 article, they prove that, if the path is a geodesic, then this 3-dimensional model is a simplicial complex. The recent proof that this simplicial complex is flag is presented as well as several consequences as for instance, a proof that the arc crossings based flip distance estimation heuristics is, at best, a 3/2-approximation algorithm.
This talk is based on joint work with Zili Wang.