Translation surfaces reading group
- Tuesday 2024-10-08 at 10:30 (Masoud, based on [AthreyaMasur 2024])
- three models
- gluing sides of polygons
- manifold with flat changes of coordinates
- holomorphic 1-form on a Riemann surface
- some examples, singularities, cone angles, curvature, genus
- Wednesday 2024-10-16 at 14:30 (Thierry)
- catch-up session for those who missed the first talk, motivated by
- Tuesday 2024-10-29 at 13:30 (Masoud, based on [AthreyaMasur 2024])
- equivalence between the 3 models
- Tuesday 2024-11-12 at 10:30 (Masoud, based on [AthreyaMasur 2024])
- Moduli space of translation surfaces
- we meet at 10:00 to debrief previous sessions
- Tuesday 2024-11-19 at 10:30 (Masoud, based on [AthreyaMasur 2024])
- Measure on the moduli space of translation surfaces
- we meet at 10:00 to debrief previous sessions
- Wednesday 2024-12-02 at 13:30 (Masoud, based on [AthreyaMasur 2024])
- finiteness of the MSV measure
- Tuesday 2024-12-17 at 10:30 (Thierry)
- several frameworks of dynamical systems (measurable, measured, topological,
smooth, algebraic, ...), and several times (discrete, continuous, group
actions, ...)
- some examples (rotation, doubling map, vector fields, translation flow,
interval exchange transformations, Arnold's cat map, SL(2,R) action on the
- measured dynamics
- proof of the Poincaré reccurrence theorem and first return map
- Tuesday 2024-12-17 at 15:00 (Thierry)
- measured dynamics (continued)
- Birkhoff theorem and ergodicity
- strong and weak mixing
- topological dynamics
- minimality
- the Choquet simplex of invariant measures as a way to measure the
diversity of behaviours in a topological dynamical system (following
chapter 7.2 of [FerencziMonteil 2010], especially the proof of Theorem
- Beginning of 2025 (likely 7th of January, to be confirmed)
- debrief of chapters 2 and 3 of [AthreyaMasur 2024]: everybody is asked to
reread the first 3 chapters and note what is unclear to them, so that we
can fix that and continue on a firm basis.
- dynamics in the context of translation surfaces
Translation surfaces, low-tech
- [AthreyaMasur 2024] Athreya and Masur, Translation surfaces, 2024
- [Zorich 2006] Zorich, Flat surfaces, 2006
- [Massart 2021] Massart, A short introduction to translation surfaces, Veech surfaces, and Teichmueller dynamics, 2021
- [BudChen 2020] Bud and Chen, Moduli of Differentials and Teichmüller Dynamics, 2020
- [Masur 2006] Masur, Ergodic theory of translation surfaces, 2006
- [Eskin 2006] Eskin, Counting problems in moduli space, 2006
same link as [Masur 2006]
Translation surfaces, high-tech
- Lyapunov exponents
- Classification of orbit closures
Mapping class group
- [FarbMargalit 2012] Farb and Margalit, A Primer on Mapping Class Groups, 2012
Interval exchange transformations
Veech surfaces
Square-tiled surfaces
Symbolic dynamics
Topics to be dealt with (tentative, feel free to propose more or give more details)
- general background
- rigidity in complex analysis, pants, uniformization, Riemann-Roch, ... (Meltem ?)
- Teichmüller Theory, quasiconformal maps, quadratic forms, ...
- mapping class group, generators, growth, including that of non-orientable
surfaces, [FarbMargalit 2012] (Pallavi)
- topological dynamics and ergodic theory (Thierry)
- related to translation surfaces
- connnected components of strata [KontsevichZorich 2002]
- Masur criterion for unique ergodicity, Kerkhoff-Masur-Smilie
- Veech group and Veech/lattices surfaces
- Haar measure on SL(2,R)
- properties of Veech groups
- Veech alternative
- classification in genus 2
- square tiled surfaces
- connection with tilings
- interval exchange transformations and Rauzy-Veech induction (Carole)
- volume estimation à la Eskin-Okounkov (Mingkun)
- orbit closures and magic-wand theorem