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Blog -- Unique ergodicity is necessary to ensure frequencies


The first motivating question was the following : we are looking for a condition on the complexity of an infinite word that ensures that it has frequencies. We are mostly interested with uniformly recurrent words.

Michael Boshernitzan proved that if a uniformly recurrent word $x$ satisfies $\limsup \frac{p_n(x)}{n}<3$ or $\liminf \frac{p_n(x)}{n}< 2$ then its associated subshift is uniquely ergodic, hence $x$ has frequencies [1]. Julien Cassaigne and Idrissa Kaboré constructed a word $x$ without frequencies such that $(\forall n \in \mathbb{N}^*) ( p_n(x) < 3n)$.


More generally, suppose we are looking for sufficient conditions on the language of an uniformly recurrent word to have frequencies.

Looking for the unique ergodicity of the associated subshift is a possible strategy (see Background - Symbolic dynamics), but we may miss something (it is a sufficient condition). In fact, unique ergodicity is necessary to ensure that all words sharing a uniformly recurrent language have frequencies.


The proof comes from an old paper of Oxtoby [2] : Suppose that there exists a minimal non-uniquely ergodic subshift $X$ such that any word in $X$ has frequencies. Any word $w$ in $X$ has frequencies so the functions $$f_w(x):=\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \chi_{[w]}(x) $$ are well defined on $X$. Since $X$ is not uniquely ergodic, there exists two ergodic measures $\mu\neq\nu$, hence there is a finite word $w$ such that $\mu[w]\neq\nu[w]$. Let $x$ (resp. $y$) be a generic point for $\mu$ (resp. $\nu$). We have $f_w(x)=\mu[w]\neq\nu[w]=f(y)$ and and since $f_w$ is constant along the orbits, $f_w$ is nowhere continuous (the minimality implies that the orbits of $x$ and $y$ are dense). But $f_w$ is a simple limit of continuous functions on a complete metric space ($X$ is compact), hence Baire's lemma implies that the points of continuity of $f_w$ must be dense in $X$. A contradiction.

Hence looking for unique ergodicity is not just a trick and there is no loss to look for it.


  1. M. Boshernitzan, A unique ergodicity of minimal symbolic flows with linear block growth, J. Analyse Math. 44 (1984/85), p 77-96.
  2. J.C. Oxtoby, Ergodic sets, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. , 58 (1952) pp. 116-136.

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