Teaching, dissemination

Since the academic year 2020-2021, I am Adjunct Professor at École polytechnique. I use their Moodle server to store all information concerning my classes. Please click on the course code to follow the links (you need to log in to Moodle to see the course material).

Year 2024-2025

Year 2023-2024

Year 2022-2023

Year 2021-2022

Year 2020-2021

Year 2019-2020

Year 2017-2018

Year 2016-2017

Year 2015-2016

Year 2013-2014

Year 2012-2013

Year 2011-2012

Year 2010-2011

Year 2006-2007

Year 2005-2006

Year 2004-2005

Year 2003-2004

Talks to the general public

I was invited to give the following talks for non-scientific audiences (in French):