@inproceedings{smf-gazette22, author = {Marie Kerjean and Frédéric Le Roux and Patrick Massot and Micaela Mayero and Zoé Mesnil and Simon Modeste and Julien Narboux and Pierre Rousselin}, title = {Utilisation des assistants de preuves pour l'enseignement en {L1}}, subtitle = {Retours d'expériences}, booktitle = {Gazette de la SMF}, volume = {174}, year = {Octobre 2022}, http = {http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~mayero/publis/Assistants_preuves_Gazette-SMF.pdf} }
@phdthesis{mayero-hdr, author = {Mayero, Micaela}, title = {Probl\`emes critiques et preuves formelles}, school = {Universit\'e Paris 13}, type = {Habilitation \`a Diriger des Recherches}, month = {novembre}, year = {2012}, http = {http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~mayero/publis/HDR-mayero.pdf} }
@techreport{fermat4, author = {Delahaye, David and Mayero, Micaela}, title = {{D}iophantus' 20th {P}roblem and {F}ermat's {L}ast {T}heorem for n=4: {F}ormalization of {F}ermat's {P}roofs in the {C}oq {P}roof {A}ssistant}, year = {2005}, http = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00009425v1} }
@techreport{MAY99, author = {Mayero,Micaela}, title = {{T}he {T}hree {G}ap {T}heorem: {S}pecification and {P}roof in {C}oq}, institution = {INRIA}, number = {3848}, year = {1999}, month = {December}, http = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-3848.html} }
@techreport{field-pvs, author = {Mu\~noz, C\'esar and Mayero, Micaela}, title = {{R}eal {A}utomation in the {F}ield}, institution = {ICASE Nasa-Langley Research Center}, number = {NASA/CR-2001-211271 Report 39}, month = {December}, year = {2001}, http = {http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~mayero/publis/field-pvs.ps.gz} }
@phdthesis{mayero-tesis, author = {Mayero, Micaela}, title = {Formalisation et automatisation de preuves en analyses r\'eelle et num\'erique}, school = {Universit\'e Paris VI}, month = {d\'ecembre}, year = {2001}, http = {http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~mayero/publis/these-mayero.ps.gz} }
@manual{CoqDocWeb, author = {The {C}oq {D}evelopment {T}eam}, title = {The Coq Proof Assistant Reference Manual Version~7.2}, organization = {INRIA-Rocquencourt}, month = {December}, year = {2001}, http = {http://coq.inria.fr/doc-eng.html} }
@mastersthesis{mayero-DEA, author = {Mayero, Micaela}, title = {Le th\'eor\`eme des 3 intervalles: sp\'ecification et preuve en {C}oq}, school = {Universit\'e Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)}, type = {Rapport du DEA S\'emantique, Preuves et Programmation}, month = {Septembre}, year = {1997}, http = {http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~mayero/publis/DEA97-mayero.ps.gz} }
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