Jawher Jerray

I am currently a post-Doc researcher within the LabSoC Team at Télécom Paris since March 2022.


I work on a project piloted by partners of the “C3S chaire” about Model-based High-level Integration of Heterogeneous Components.
This work aims to define techniques to join the semantics of components captured with heterogeneous models and at different levels of abstraction.


  • Glue the (meta)models of components via meta-model composition techniques.
  • Propose simulation and verification techniques that can be applied to glued (meta)models.
  • The proposed technique must minimize the transformation work while still allowing fast and accurate simulations and verifications that can cover safety, security, and performance properties.
keywords :

From October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2021, I was a PhD student at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord under the supervision of Étienne André at LIPN and Laurent Fribourg at LSV.

I worked in the LoVe team at LIPN, particularly in the verification research axis.

I'm interested in formal method specifically with parametric timed model-checking in order to analyse real-time systems under uncertainty.
My thesis topic is formal analysis of real-time systems (funded by the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, ED Galilée).

The goal of my research is to :

  • Propose translations of large classes of real-time systems to parameterized timed automata.
  • Propose efficient model checking algorithms.
  • Implement these algorithms in a dedicated software suite.
keywords : Also, I am interested in the analysis of dynamical systems including hybrid systems from different points of view:
  • The synchronization of this system using symbolic Euler's method.
  • The stability of parametric time-periodic systems using bounded invariants via stroboscopic set-valued maps.
  • The robustness of dynamical systems by generating a robust optimal periodic control using dynamic programming and guaranteed Euler’s method.
  • The optimization of dynamical systems by a minimax control using random sampling and symbolic computation.

keywords :


The thesis manuscript, slides, abstract and additional information can be found here:


Since 2022, I have been teaching at EURECOM and Polytech Nice as a "vacataire" (temporary teacher).
From 2018 to 2021, I was moniteur (teaching assistant) at Galilée institute, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord.
The courses in which I participated are:

Course Level Hours
BasicOS 1st year Engineering at EURECOM 18
Object modeling in UML 3rd year Engineering at Polytech Nice 9
Intro. to computer architecture 1st year Engineering at EURECOM 6
Object modeling in UML 3rd year Engineering at Polytech Nice 9
Intro. to computer architecture 1st year Engineering at EURECOM 6
Object-oriented programming L2 at Galilée institute 19.5
Architecture and operating system L2 at Galilée institute 19.5
Database engineering Master 1 at Galilée institute 18
Advanced data structure Master 1 at Galilée institute 7.5
Architecture and operating system L2 at Galilée institute 28.5
Database L3 at Galilée institute 39
Fundamentals of C programming L1 at Galilée institute 27
Shell script programming L1 at Galilée institute 24
Imperative programming L1 at Galilée institute 15







Other arXiv documents



Date Title Event
12nd January 2024 Model-based High-level Integration of Heterogeneous Components for Co-simulation MeFoSyLoMa Seminar
12nd July 2023 Integration of Heterogeneous Components for Co-simulation ICSOFT’23 Conference
3rd May 2023 Guaranteed properties of dynamical systems under perturbations LORIA, Formal Methods Department Seminar
13th July 2022 Asymptotic Error in Euler's Method with a Constant Step Size ECC’22 Conference
9th July 2021 ORBITADOR: A tool to analyze the stability of periodical dynamical systems ARCH’21 Workshop
9th July 2021 An Approximation of Minimax Control using Random Sampling and Symbolic Computation ADHS’21 Conference
8th July 2021 Determination of limit cycles using stroboscopic set-valued maps ADHS’21 Conference
25th May 2021 Robust optimal periodic control using guaranteed Euler’s method ACC’21 Conference
11st December 2020 Generation of bounded invariants via stroboscopic set-valued maps: Application to the stability analysis of parametric time-periodic systems Veridis Inria Seminar
12nd July 2020 Guaranteed phase synchronization of hybrid oscillators using symbolic Euler's method ARCH’20 Workshop
23rd June 2020 Guaranteed phase synchronization of hybrid oscillators using symbolic Euler’s method MOVEP’20 Summer School
20th December 2019 Parametric schedulability analysis of a launcher flight control system under reactivity constraints MeFoSyLoMa Seminar
2nd November 2019 Time4sys2imi: A tool to formalize real-time system models under uncertainty ICTAC’19 Conference
27th June 2019 Scheduling Synthesis for a Launcher Flight Control Using Parametric Stopwatch Automata ACSD’19 Conference

Tools and implementations


Phase synchronization of hybrid oscillators using symbolic Euler’s method.

Synchro is a method that aims to find formal sufficient conditions to guarantee phase synchronization using the notion of reachability since it is delicated to obtain the exact parameter values of the system for which the phenomenon of phase synchronization manifests. More precisely, this method selects a portion \(S\) of the state space, and shows that any solution starting at \(S\) returns to \(S\) within a fixed number of periods \(k\). Besides, it shows that the components of the solution are then (almost) in phase.
Synchro is applied on the Brusselator reaction-diffusion and the biped walker examples. These examples can also be seen as challenges for the verification of continuous and hybrid systems.


Robust optimal control using dynamic programming and guaranteed Euler's method.

Robust gives a simple condition of set inclusion which guarantees that the system is open-loop stable in the presence of perturbation when it is generating by periodic control that should be intrinsically robust or stable against possible perturbations or uncertainties.
In contrast with many methods of OPC using elements of the theory of limit cycles, this method does not use any notion of Lyapunov function/differential equation nor any notion of contraction. A by-product of this method is a simple way to prove the existence of a limit cycle for the process in the absence of perturbation.
The simplicity of Robust is illustrated on a classical examples of bioreactor, spin and Van der Pol systems.


Determination of limit cycles by generating of bounded invariants via stroboscopic set-valued maps: Application to the stability analysis of parametric time-periodic systems.

Parameter presents a method to prove the existence of a limit cycle (LC) of a dynamic system \(\Sigma\) and construct an enclosure of the LC which is an invariant set of \(\Sigma\). The method essentially consists in adding a small additive perturbation to \(\Sigma\), and finding an approximation \(T\) of the exact period such that the set of solutions of the perturbed system at the instant \((i+1)T\) is included in the set of solutions at \(iT\) for some integer \(i\).
Indeed, this property, combined with a contraction condition ensuring the stability of \(\Sigma\), guarantees the existence of an LC. The addition of a small perturbation allows using only an approximate value \(T\) of the exact period, avoiding precise tedious calculations. It also allows, for a parametric dynamic system, to use the same value \(T\) for showing in a generic manner the existence of LCs for a whole range of values of the parameter.
The interest of Parameter is shown for classical examples of periodic systems such as the Brusselator, Biped and Van der Pol systems.


Approximation of Minimax Control using Rdom Sampling and Symbolic Computation.

MCRS aims at the synthesis of an approximate minimax control for a system dynamic given in the form \(\dot{x}(t) = f(x(t),u(t),d(t))\) where \(x\) represents the state, \(u\) the control (or input) and \(d\) a disturbance (or perturbation). The disturbance \(d(t)\) is prescribed to a compact domain \({\cal D}\) on which it can take any value (bounded uncertainty).
This method makes use of symbolic computation to enclose the solutions corresponding to all possible disturbance \(d(\cdot)\in{\cal D}\), together with a simple algorithm of random sampling to select the minimum control \(u^*(\cdot)\).
The interest of MCRS is illustrated on an example of a biochemical reactor.


A tool to analyze the stability of periodical dynamical systems.

ORBITADOR is a tool for stability analysis of dynamical systems. ORBITADOR uses a method that generates a bounded invariant set of a differential system with a given set of initial conditions around a point \(x_0\) to prove the existence of a limit cycle. This invariant has the form of a tube centered on the Euler approximate solution starting at \(x_0\), which has for radius an upper bound on the distance between the approximate solution and the exact ones. The method consists in finding a real \(T > 0\) such that the snapshot of the tube at time \(t = (i + 1)T\) is included in the snapshot at \(t = iT\), for some integer \(i\) with adding a small bounded uncertainty. This uncertainty allows using an approximate value \(T\) of the exact period.


A tool to formalize real-time system models under uncertainty.

Time4sys2imi is a tool translating Time4sys models (Time4sys is a formalism developed by Thales Group, realizing a graphical specification for real-time systems) into parametric timed automata in the input language of IMITATOR (IMITATOR is a parametric model checker taking as input networks of PSA extended with useful features such as synchronization actions and discrete variables.).
This translation allows not only to check the schedulability of real-time systems, but also to infer some timing constraints (deadlines, offsets ...) guaranteeing schedulability.

Contact Me

E-Mail: jawher.jerray(at)telecom-paris.fr

Address: EURECOM
Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06904 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex