Title: The deformed LDIAG Hopf algebra and polyzetas Author 1 (CONTACT AUTHOR) Name: Gérard Duchamp Org: Université Paris 13 - CNRS Country: France Email:ghed@lipn.univ-paris13.fr Contact Alt Email: ghed@lipn.univ-paris13.fr Contact Phone: Keywords: Hopf algebra, Feyman diagrams Abstract: We first show that pre-Feyman diagrams naturally arise from the diagrammatic expansion of a certain product formula (from the "QFT of partitions") applied to two one-parameter formal groups. These diagrams span a vector space which can be endowed with the structure of a Hopf algebra so that evaluations are compatible with composition (product) and decomposition (coproduct). This Hopf algebra (DIAG, linked to unordered set partitions) is commutative and of limited application ; however, its non-commutative analogue (LDIAG, linked with ordered set partitions) is free and a three-parameter deformation is sufficiently rich to specialize to matrix non-commutative quasi-symmetric functions and polyzeta functions. We propose to explain this last point in detail and show that this deformation also provides a new insight relevant to the deformation of polyzeta functions.