from Gérard H. E. Duchamp to Ayesh Aladdin , Bertelle Cyrille date 7 March 2010 22:20 subject Tutorial for SIAAS mailed-by hide details 7 Mar (6 days ago) Dear Cyrille and Aladdin, How are you ? As you proposed that I attempted to relate Complex Systems and the "Quantumland", I propose the following tuto. Tell me your feeling. Best and friendly regards Gérard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Complex Systems and Combinatorial Physics Complex Systems are related to Combinatorial Physics through several bridges. In this tutorial, we will attempt to present a guided tour inside a sphere of ideas which could be called "Exactly solved models for collective behaviour and Complex Systems". - transition graphs (finite automata and infinite particle systems) - gazes of graphs and evolution groups - twisted models - graphs for creation/annihilation models We will try not only to present the models but discuss the ideas and formulas at work. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Drude Model electrons (shown here in blue) constantly bounce between heavier, stationary crystal ions (shown in red).