-------- Message original -------- Sujet: JISSCE Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 06:29:55 -0800 (PST) De: Zaid Odibat Pour: cyrille.bertelle@free.fr Dear Cyrille Before one hour, we where in a meeting about JISSCE 2006 with our dean and the staff of IT department and Prof. Oqeili. I try to be out from the conference, but the dean do not allow. Me and Dr. Oqeili suggest to change the date of the conference to April 2007, but the dean and the other persons do not agree, they say that in future if it is difficult to hold the conference on December 2006 we can change the date. Also we suggest to have partners for the organization of the conference from the French universities. (i.e. BAU and some persons from French universities organize the conference together), . the dean agree about this suggestion. I tell him that they are grate French persons like you and Prof. Duchamp can help us in the conference What is your opinion of this suggestion? I know that you are very angry of some persons on BAU, But I am trying that JISSCE 2006 will success. Please note that: Dr. Mohammad Ibbini is the dean of Al-Housin Faculty which is one of the Al-Balqa' Applied university colleges. This college is outside our campus. Mrs. Nahida El-Saies is the president consultant for the planning and projects affairs Best Regards. Zaid Odibat