Dear author, I had the pleasure of going across your paper once more. It is of very good quality and indeed, at a pinch, could be published as such. I have however pointed some minor suggestions for improvement. Could you consider them and resend your manuscript ASAP ? With my best regards Gérard H. E. Duchamp %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% p1 col1 [General Equilibrium Theory, relies]--> [General Equilibrium Theory relies] [the behavior of some endogenous macroscopic variable changes in an unexpectedly organized way]--> [the behavior of some endogenous macroscopic aspect changes in an unexpectedly organized way] col2 [When such structures emerge without a coordination device researchers generally say that the system “selforganizes”.]--> [When such structures emerge without a coordination device, researchers generally say that the system “selforganizes”.] [Indeed systems composed]-->[Indeed, systems composed] [recall that according to our definition a complex systems has a very high dimension]--> <> p2 col1 [has the serious inconveniece]-->[has the serious inconvenience] [In these supply side models the production function]--> [In these supply side models, the production function] p4 [we discuss the flow of events in a logical order, this implies that]--> [we discuss the flow of events in a logical order. This implies that] [After this computation we know for each firm]--> [After this computation, we know for each firm] p5 [(it occurs in decrising oscillations). In the graphs the average values are reported.]--> [(it occurs in decreasing oscillations). In the graphs, the average values are reported.] [does not hold at list in the reported periods.]--> [does not hold, at least in the reported periods.] [At the actual state of the investigation this phenomenon seems to be a deep emergent property of the system.]--> [At the actual state of the investigation, this phenomenon seems to be a deep emergent property of the system.]