STMC-Grid is a workshop co-located with EuroPar 2009 formed by joining the SGS, STPG and Grid-STP workshops, providing a common forum for the reporting of research, development and practise in the area of secure, trusted, manageable and controllable Grid services and systems. SGS'2008 was part of Euro-Par'2008 in Las Palmas. STPG'2008 was part of CCGRID'2008. Grid-STP'2007 was part of the SecureComm conference organised by CoreGrid, one of the main initiatives in Grids in Europe. The common interest is to establish in the long term a recurrent workshop in Europe for security and trust in large scale systems and to open such topics to the Euro-Par community. We are pleased to work and colaborate with Europar'2009, located in Delft, the Netherlands.
Grid systems are expected to connect large number of heterogeneous resources (PC, Databases, HPC clusters, instruments, sensors, visualization tools, etc.), to be used by many users and to execute a large variety of applications (number crunching, data access, multimedia, etc) and may deal with many scientific fields (health, economy, computing etc).
Grid are distributed systems, and so, similarly as these systems in general, they have to be secure, trusted, and controllable. The word 'secure' refers to the traditional fields of authentication, authorisation and integrity, as well as trust management, fault tolerance, and safe execution (how to certify results, how to adapt computation according to some metric). In this context, the word 'trusted' refers to technologies and proposals for resolving Grid security problems through hardware enhancements and associated software modifications. The word 'controllable' means: how we measure the activity of the Grid and how we report it.
The way we manage such large system and the way we control the Grid system are also of particular interest. Here, the word 'manageable' means: 'how we deploy the grid architecture, the Grid softwares, and how we start jobs (under controllable events such as the availability of resources). Moreover all these services should collaborate making the building of middleware a challenging problem. In that context questions about who holds the sensitive information, who has permissions to access it, how this information is handled are raised. Therefore, the building of chain of trust between software components as well as integration of security and privacy mechanisms across multiple autonomous and/or heterogeneous Grid platforms are key challenges.