Ethereum in practice


In this post, you will learn how to deploy a smart contract, according to the Ethereum technology. Remind that a smart contract is a piece of code. The syntax of an Ethereum smart contract follows the syntax of the Solidity language. Please, learn it first! You also need to learn the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) which is the virtual machine executed on the Ethereum network.

For testing, we may use Remix which is an editor for Solidity Smart Contracts. Then we may use a more direct approach with Remix too, in order to run the code.

Or we can install Metamask (a web3js client, meaning that it brings Ethereum in your browser) and create an Ethereum account on the blockchain and then deploy the smart contract with our account, on the Rosptan test network (free) and make transactions from Remix to the deployed smart contract.

Work to do

  1. Follow the instructions of the following tutorial which is about gaming and the Ethereum blockchain. This is the easiest way to learn Ethereum.
  2. Follow the instructions of the following tutorial which is about an Ethereum Smart Contract for a Blockchain Marketplace. One difficulty is to deploy all the required frameworks. This tutorial is more complicated than the previous one.

For the two tutorials, you are requested to write a report related to the deployment of the mandatory frameworks (NodeJS...), then to explain how to run the proposed examples on top of these frameworks. The report should be self content, easy to understand for the novice.