
LoVe team wiki

Scientific statements

The following depository regroups scientific statements describing (in up to one page) the current interests of the team's members: https://mycore.core-cloud.net/index.php/s/dpO2otffsB2KhDM (access code: 3quipel0)

Seminar and Working groups

The team's weekly seminar is currently held online every Thursday at 10am (unless specified otherwise); The scheduled seminars appear in the team's calendar as soon as they are confirmed (and sometimes even before that): https://framagenda.org/index.php/apps/calendar/p/sfe4BmNwEbKfACJZ/GdT-Lo.

Seminars are also announced on the LIPN website and by email around a week in advance.

The url to the BBB room of the seminar is: https://bbb.lipn.univ-paris13.fr/b/sei-eer-t24 (access code: 749983)

Online seminars are recorded, so the above page also gives access to the recordings of past talks.

  • Dernière modification: il y a 4 ans