Parsing enhancing of the conversational module for a service robot
The goal of the project is to improve the syntactic parser of the Golem service robot1)2). The parsing module takes its imput from the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), which produces a text line to be parsed. The output of the parser is a SitLog command which triggers an action in the robot.
Experimental testbed for measuring the parser's performances
Dynamic command generation test
- Generate 100 sentences with the Robocup command generator and evaluate the accuracy of the generated command manually.
- Gather 1000 significant current linguistic expressions and corresponding SitLog commands from Golem for the Gold Standart test
- Implement the random command generator for the Dynamic test
- Implement both test.
Direct Clause Grammar Induction with machine learning
The goal of this module is to train a model with linguistic and Sitlog commands in order to generate Golem's speech act rules in prolog.
Machine learining model selection
We will implement the deep learning model used in <ref>Amin Sleimi and Claire Gardent. Generating Paraphrases from DBPedia using Deep Learning. WebNLG 2016, The Second International Workshop on NLG and the Semantic Web, September 6 2016, Edinburgh (Scotland).</ref> in order to generate speech act Prolog rules for Golem.
Work plan
- Evaluate Google's Parsey MacParseface7) with the service robot oriented parsing evaluation testbed.
- Integrate Parsey MacParceface
- Luis Pineda (IIMAS/UNAM)
- Ivette Vélez (IIMAS/UNAM)
- Jorge García Flores (LIPN/UP13)
- May 23, 2017: Ivette and Jorge