Golfred Phase 1: First in vitro path
To Do
In vitro path tale
- Prototype of a Golem textual path
- Due date: August 26
- Members: Iván, Jorge
- Printings of the text messages from the prototype path
- Due date: August 28
- Members: Jorge
- Photographs of the real texts of the prototype path
- Due date: August 28
- Members: Iván
- Proof of concept with ROS.read_text library
- Due date: September 3
- Members: Iván, Jorge
- RDF generation with FRED web service
- Due date: September 3
- Members: Iván, Jorge
- Text generation from the RDF set following the pattern I WAS IN PLACE X WHERE I READ Y, WHICH MEANS Z
- Members: Iván, Jorge, Claire
- Due date: Setember 30
Hiring of the IIMAS student
- Due date: September 6
- Members: Iván, Jorge, Luis
Meeting in Paris
28 September 2015
- Preprocesamiento de las cadenas de caracteres buscando entidades nombradas y terminos antes de enviar a Tipalo
29 September 2015
- Luis, Jorge
- Agregar German Open en la lamina del robot
- Reconocimiebto de escena posible (informacion exterior al texto)
- En la fase de ROS se podria generar un texto rudimentario a partir del mapa de Golem
- Antes de entrar el la fase de OCR, hay que hacer una descripcion en primitivas espaciales del mapa
- Entre a
- Sali de
- Di vuelta a la derecha
- Avance
- Fred y Tipalo van a llenar los vacios generados en el
- Vi X
- Que hace referencia a Y
- Luis propone generar un modelo de dialogo espacial para que Golem describa sus movimientos y sus despazamientos.
- Explotar los registros historicos de Golem (historia de la tarea)
- Modelo de dialogo muy sencillo (“me movi a”)
- Dos fuentes de informacion para Quelo: informacion del espacio (Golem) e informacion del mundo (Tipalo/FRED)
- Y si Golem buscara en el directorio del IIMAS?
October 1st 2015
- Aldo, Laura, Claire, Luis, Davide, Jorge
- Named entities with Tagme after OCR
- Alignment between the RDF and the sentence
- Trim the RDF to find the usegraph useful for generation
- The baseline would be the text generation without Quelo
- Legalo: RDF summarisation (for RDF generation?)
- How to produce the best FRED subgraph for Quelo?
- Motif graph query of FRED
- How much knowledge does the robot needs to know?
- Claire proposes a trajectory where we assume that the OCR is perfect and we just generate text from clear messages.
- Randomize the trajectory (Luis). The robot could follow people and then read.
- Open questions:
- How to improve the OCR
- How to choose the right definition for a text element
- How to generate the right RDF for generation
- What is the best text possible for a fixed path?
- Could be generate text for random path?
- What is our real use case?
- Museum exhibit
- Afternoon questions
- Use case
- # As it is
- # Simplified, no OCR trajectory
- # Random trajectories
- # Museum
- # Handicapped
- # Give narrative cohesion to the generated text around a scientific subject and focus on factual descriptions.
- Planning
- Mexico travel
Proposed task planning
- Golem experimental framework
- navigation
- history
- linguistic description of movements
- Corpus creation
- Museum trajectory
- RDF production with FRED
- Parallel corpus of sentences and RDF graphs
- Basic text generation
- First generation without Geni (Golem + GENI definitions)
- Goal: to test if Geni can improve the basic text generation
- FRED-Geni interaction
- Argument extraction with FRED in Geni format
- Stanford correction of FRED's arguments order
- FRED's RDF graph trimming
March 10 2015
- Aldo, Iván Vladimir (in Paris) and Jorge (Skype)
- Talking points
- Bureaucratic problems with the project
- Iván's web interface as an invitro path
- Aldo-Geni-FRED interface
- Iván talks about Iván's web interface, which
- Aldo taks about scripts for generating Geni code
- Before going technical, we discuss about Aldo's seminar at IIMAS.
- Aldo shows FRED's service web interface, we talk about Fredlib python interface to query FRED
- Aldo shows Json output of FRED
- Aldo shows Perl scripts to translate RDF's triples to Geni
- Aldo talks about a new FRED gold standard of 150 sentences which verifies that in case of changes and new deployments, FRED's core functions will keep working.
- Aldo shows quantifications problems of FRED, and then we go back to the FRED-Geni bridge
- We include Emily (Claie's postdoc) in the loop in order to have Geni system.
- It would be nice to have students (Mexican, Italian, French) helping us tu put graph gold standards (graph alignment, sentence-graph alignments).
- We would like to submit something to IJCAI 2016 workshop on service robots (deadline: April 2016).