Table des matières

Golfred Phase 1: First in vitro path

To Do

In vitro path tale

  1. Prototype of a Golem textual path
    • Due date: August 26
    • Members: Iván, Jorge
  2. Printings of the text messages from the prototype path
    • Due date: August 28
    • Members: Jorge
  3. Photographs of the real texts of the prototype path
    • Due date: August 28
    • Members: Iván
  4. Proof of concept with ROS.read_text library
    • Due date: September 3
    • Members: Iván, Jorge
  5. RDF generation with FRED web service
    • Due date: September 3
    • Members: Iván, Jorge
  6. Text generation from the RDF set following the pattern I WAS IN PLACE X WHERE I READ Y, WHICH MEANS Z
    • Members: Iván, Jorge, Claire
    • Due date: Setember 30

Hiring of the IIMAS student

Meeting in Paris

28 September 2015

  1. Preprocesamiento de las cadenas de caracteres buscando entidades nombradas y terminos antes de enviar a Tipalo

29 September 2015

  1. Agregar German Open en la lamina del robot
  2. Reconocimiebto de escena posible (informacion exterior al texto)
  3. En la fase de ROS se podria generar un texto rudimentario a partir del mapa de Golem
  4. Antes de entrar el la fase de OCR, hay que hacer una descripcion en primitivas espaciales del mapa
    • Entre a
    • Sali de
    • Di vuelta a la derecha
    • Avance
  5. Fred y Tipalo van a llenar los vacios generados en el
    • Vi X
    • Que hace referencia a Y
  6. Luis propone generar un modelo de dialogo espacial para que Golem describa sus movimientos y sus despazamientos.
  7. Explotar los registros historicos de Golem (historia de la tarea)
  8. Modelo de dialogo muy sencillo (“me movi a”)
  9. Dos fuentes de informacion para Quelo: informacion del espacio (Golem) e informacion del mundo (Tipalo/FRED)
  10. Y si Golem buscara en el directorio del IIMAS?

October 1st 2015

  1. Named entities with Tagme after OCR
  2. Alignment between the RDF and the sentence
  3. Trim the RDF to find the usegraph useful for generation
  4. The baseline would be the text generation without Quelo
  5. Legalo: RDF summarisation (for RDF generation?)
  6. How to produce the best FRED subgraph for Quelo?
    • Motif graph query of FRED
    • How much knowledge does the robot needs to know?
  7. Claire proposes a trajectory where we assume that the OCR is perfect and we just generate text from clear messages.
  8. Randomize the trajectory (Luis). The robot could follow people and then read.
  9. Open questions:
    • How to improve the OCR
    • How to choose the right definition for a text element
    • How to generate the right RDF for generation
    • What is the best text possible for a fixed path?
    • Could be generate text for random path?
  10. What is our real use case?
    • Museum exhibit
  11. Afternoon questions

Proposed task planning

  1. Golem experimental framework
  2. navigation
  3. history
  4. OCR
  5. linguistic description of movements
  6. Corpus creation
  7. Museum trajectory
  8. RDF production with FRED
  9. Parallel corpus of sentences and RDF graphs
  10. Basic text generation
  11. First generation without Geni (Golem + GENI definitions)
  12. Goal: to test if Geni can improve the basic text generation
  13. FRED-Geni interaction
  14. Argument extraction with FRED in Geni format
  15. Stanford correction of FRED's arguments order
  16. FRED's RDF graph trimming

March 10 2015

  1. Talking points
  2. Bureaucratic problems with the project
  3. Iván's web interface as an invitro path
  4. Aldo-Geni-FRED interface
  5. Iván talks about Iván's web interface, which
  6. Aldo taks about scripts for generating Geni code
  7. Before going technical, we discuss about Aldo's seminar at IIMAS.
  8. Aldo shows FRED's service web interface, we talk about Fredlib python interface to query FRED
  9. Aldo shows Json output of FRED
  10. Aldo shows Perl scripts to translate RDF's triples to Geni
  11. Aldo talks about a new FRED gold standard of 150 sentences which verifies that in case of changes and new deployments, FRED's core functions will keep working.
  12. Aldo shows quantifications problems of FRED, and then we go back to the FRED-Geni bridge
  13. We include Emily (Claie's postdoc) in the loop in order to have Geni system.
  14. It would be nice to have students (Mexican, Italian, French) helping us tu put graph gold standards (graph alignment, sentence-graph alignments).
  15. We would like to submit something to IJCAI 2016 workshop on service robots (deadline: April 2016).

IJCAI 2016 paper