We are looking for funding to organize an information extraction hackaton from Spanish tweets in Mexico on 2015. The goal of the hackaton would be to motivate post-graduate students to get a hands on experience on natural language processing techniques and maybe to attract them to masters of PhD studies in our field.
The event would be held on Mexico City (UNAM) or Puebla (INAOE) on April 2015. We would propose to the students a growing complexity list of information extraction and classification tasks based on the Rep Lab task from CLEF 2014 [reference needed] and a Spanish tweet corpus provided by the BUAP University.
The hackaton would take a 48 hours format split on two days. The first day would be dedicated to an introduction of NLP methods and talks about the task-set and available corpus and tools. The second day would take a more traditional hackaton approach, with a 24 hours non-stop programming challenge, where participants would bring their laptops, and the organization would provide them with shelter, data, wifi, beverages and food. If NAACL funding is granted, we will look for additional sources for funding best applications prizes.
La materia de prima de todos los retos es un corpus de N tweets en español y una caja de herramientas de lingüística computacional.
Clasificación de los tuits de acuerdo a la polaridad de opinión relativa al tema del tuit (positiva o negativa).
Extraer lugares, personas, instituciones y fechas especificadas en los tuits.
Extracción de información acerca de eventos violentos reportados en los tuits, de preferencia con coordenadas geográfica y temporal (si están han sido especificadas en el tuit).
Extracción de información acerca de brotes de enfermedades o condición de salud general expresada en los tuits.
Definir un perfil que caracterice al autor de los tuits (sexo, edad, profesión, lugar de origen, lugar en donde vive, gustos, disgustos).
Reto libre que consiste en proporcionar análisis estadísticos
Propuesta anterior
$1,500 to support the hackton activities
A decidirse
A decidirse