Covid-19 outbreak

Our highest priority is the safety of all participants. Due to the covid19 outbreak, Petri Nets 2020 happened as a virtual conference, with prerecorded videos of the talks, and live sessions for discussion via BigBlueButton. Registration is free but compulsory to get access to the videos of the talks and the Q&A BigBlueButton server.

Important dates

Abstract submission

15th22nd January 2020 AoE

Paper submission

21st28th January 2020 AoE


6th March 2020


20th March 2020

Main conference

24-26 June 2020

Call for papers

Call for papers

General topics related to concurrency

  • Model checking and verification of distributed systems
  • Verification of infinite-state or parametric systems
  • Causality/partial order theory of concurrency
  • Educational issues related to concurrency
  • New developments in the theory of concurrency
  • Modelling of hardware and biological systems

Topics specific to Petri Nets

  • Analysis and synthesis, structure and behaviour of nets
  • System design and model-driven development using nets
  • Relationships between Petri nets and other approaches
  • Net-based semantical, logical and algebraic calculi
  • Higher-level net models (coloured nets, timed nets, etc.)
  • Stochastic net models
  • Verification and model checking using nets
  • Process discovery and conformance checking
  • Computer tools for nets
  • Standardisation of nets
  • Experience reports describing applications of nets to different kinds of systems and application fields, e.g.:
    • flexible manufacturing systems
    • office automation
    • real-time systems
    • workflows
    • embedded systems
    • process mining
    • biological systems
    • supervisory control
    • health and medical systems
    • protocols and networks
    • environmental systems
    • Internet and web services
    • hardware
    • e-commerce and trading
    • telecommunications
    • programming languages
    • railway networks
    • performance evaluation
    • component based development
    • operations research


Format and submission

Springer LNCS


The language of the conference is English, and its proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Papers presenting original research on application or theory of Petri nets, as well as contributions addressing topics relevant to the general field of distributed and concurrent systems are sought. All accepted papers will be considered for an "Outstanding Paper" award. Authors of selected papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version that will be further reviewed for inclusion into a special issue of Fundamenta Informaticae.

Paper Submission and categories

Two kinds of papers can be submitted:

  1. Regular papers (max. 20 pages) describing original results pertaining to the development of the theory of Petri nets and distributed and concurrent systems in general, new results extending the applicability of Petri nets, or case studies, application and experience reports pertinent to the practical use of Petri nets and concurrency.
  2. Tool papers (max. 10 pages) describing a computer tool based on Petri nets (not an application of the tool or the theory behind the tool). The tool should be available for use by other groups (but not necessarily for free). The submission should indicate how the reviewers can get access to the tool (this must be for free). The tool will be demonstrated in the Tool Exhibition, in addition to being presented in a conference talk.

Papers must be written in English using the Springer LNCS format and submitted electronically (as a PDF file) by the deadline indicated at the top of this Call for Papers using EasyChair.

We strongly encourage authors to add line numbers to their submitted paper (for example using the LaTeX lineno package).

Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers.



The format of the virtual PN conference is as follows: each paper consists of

  • a paper published in online and paper proceedings (as usual)
  • a 180-second video teaser of the paper (semi-compulsory)
  • a 20-mn video presentation of the paper (optional but recommended) with slides

Then, the virtual conference consists of live Q&A audio sessions (using BigBlueButton, only a browser such as Firefox, Chromium or Chrome is needed), grouped by thematic sessions. Attendance is open to anyone (but free registration is compulsory so as to get the conference URL and access to all the PN videos).

The sessions contain only questions and answers, so make sure to have read the paper and/or watched the teaser and/or watched the full talk of the papers you may be interested in before attending the Q&A sessions.

All times are given in UTC+2.

The official Springer LNCS proceedings are available here.

Tuesday June 23, 2020 Model-checking contest
from 10:30 Model checking contest (presentation video made available)
16:00–17:45 Model checking contest (discussion)
(Anytime) ATAED workshop (no Q&A sessions)
anytime Videos
Mitchel Brunings, Dirk Fahland, Boudewijn van Dongen. Defining meaningful Local Process Models video
Lisa Mannel, Robin Bergenthum, Wil van der Aalst. Removing Implicit Places Using Regions for Process Discovery video
Wednesday June 24, 2020 PNSE Workshop
15:30–16:00 Virtual coffee break and free discussions
16:00–16:30 PNSE, Q&A session 1: Long Presentations
Luca Bernardinello, Irina Lomazova, Roman Nesterov, Lucia Pomello. Property-Preserving Transformations of Elementary Net Systems Based on Morphisms video slides
Anastasia Gkolfi, Einar Broch Johnsen, Lars Michael Kristensen, Ingrid Chieh Yu. Model Checking Starvation for Resource-aware Active Objects with Coloured Petri Nets slides
16:30–17:00 PNSE, Q&A session 2: Short Presentations
Julio Cesar Carrasquel, Irina Lomazova, Andrey Rivkin. Modeling Trading Systems using Petri Net Extensions video slides
David Mosteller, Michael Haustermann, Leonie Dreschler-Fischer. Graphical Languages for Functional Reactive Modeling based on Petri nets video slides
Sven Willrodt, Daniel Moldt, Michael Simon. Modular Model Checking of Reference Nets: MoMoC video slides
17:00–17:30 PNSE, Q&A session 3: Poster Presentations
Wen Zeng, Vasileios Germanos. Quantitative Reaction Systems
Thursday June 25, 2020 Petri Nets main conference (link to videos available to registered participants only)
13:15–13:30 Virtual welcome coffee break
13:30–14:00 Petri nets conference opening
14:00–14:30 Q&A Session #1: Applications of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD) (chair: Josep Carmona)
14:30–15:00 Q&A Session #2: Tools (chairs: Benoît Barbot and Alexandre Duret-Lutz)
Lorenzo Capra, Massimiliano De Pierro and Giuliana Franceschinis. SNexpression: a symbolic calculator for Symmetric Net expressions teaser video SNexpression tool demo
15:00–15:30 Q&A Session #3: Process Mining and Applications (chair: Natalia Sidorova)
Roberto Aringhieri, Paolo Ballarini, András Horváth and Davide Duma. Petri nets validation of Markovian models of Emergency Department arrivals teaser video
15:30–16:00 Virtual coffee break and free discussions
16:00–16:30 Q&A Session #4: Languages and Synthesis (chair: David de Frutos Escrig)
Raymond Devillers, Eike Best and Evgeny Erofeev. A New Property of Choice-Free Petri Net Systems teaser video regular video
Shyam Lal Karra, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Marco Muniz and Jiri Srba. On-the-Fly Synthesis for Strictly Alternating Games teaser video regular video
16:30–17:00 Q&A Session #5: Semantics (chair: Loic Helouet)
17:00–17:30 Q&A Session #6: Extensions and Model Checking (chair: Karsten Wolf)
17:30–18:10 Awards and closing session

List of tool demos

See our complete YouTube playlist here.


Program committee

General chairs

Workshops and tutorial chairs

Tool demonstration chairs

Steering committee

Satellite events

The main satellite events of Petri Nets are:


Registration is free but compulsory. We however ask a paid registration (50€) for one author of each accepted paper, to cover possible last-minute organization fees, and help to sponsor the cash prizes.

Category Fee
Author (one per paper) 50€
Regular participant 0€

Go to the registration Web site

Venue: a virtual conference


Virtual conference

Due to the covid19 outbreak, Petri Nets 2020 happened as a virtual conference.

Petri Nets 2020