Jeudi 7 Novembre
Heure: |
10:30 - 11:30 |
Lieu: |
Salle D214 |
Résumé: |
Binary Classifiers via Semi-definite Programming |
Description: |
Benedetto Manca Abstract: Starting from the general proposal of Grzybowski et al. that defines the concept of separation of two finite point sets X and Y by means of a convex set S, we consider the case where S is the minimum volume ellipsoid that intersects the convex combinations of all pairs of points in X and Y. According to this separation rule it is possible to consider an ellipsoid S which contains one class and leave out the other one, or an ellipsoid that does not contain neither of the two classes but still separates them. These two cases can be used to define two binary classifiers whose fitting problems relies on the solution of different Semi-definite programs. In this seminar I will introduce both ellipsoidal binary classifiers together with the corresponding semi-definite programming and some algorithmic approaches to solve it more efficiently. Some numerical experiments will be also presented. |
Jeudi 14 Novembre
Heure: |
10:30 - 11:30 |
Lieu: |
Salle A303 |
Résumé: |
Filtering Pricing Subproblems in Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition |
Description: |
Mathieu Lacroix Column generation is used alongside Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition, especially for linear programs having a decomposable pricing step requiring to solve numerous independent pricing subproblems. We propose a filtering method to detect which pricing subproblems may have improving columns, and only those subproblems are solved during pricing. This filtering is done by providing light, computable bounds using dual information from previous iterations of the column generation. The experiments show a significant impact on different combinatorial optimization problems. |
Jeudi 21 Novembre
Heure: |
10:30 - 11:30 |
Lieu: |
Salle B107 |
Résumé: |
Robust approaches for the Kidney Exchange Problem |
Description: |
Matteo Petris In the Kidney Exchange Problem (KEP), we consider a pool of altruistic donors and incompatible patient-donor pairs. Kidney exchanges can be modelled in a directed weighted graph as circuits starting and ending in an incompatible pair or as paths starting at an altruistic donor. The weights on the arcs represent the medical benefit which measures the quality of the associated transplantation. For medical reasons, circuits and paths are of limited length and are associated with a medical benefit to perform the transplants. The aim of the KEP is to determine a set of disjoint kidney exchanges of maximal medical benefit or maximal cardinality (all weights equal to one). In this work, we consider two types of uncertainty in the KEP which stem from the estimation of the medical benefit (weights of the arcs) and from the failure of a transplantation (existence of the arcs). Both uncertainty are modelled via uncertainty sets with constant budget. The robust approach entails finding the best KEP solution in the worst-case scenario within the uncertainty set. We modelled the robust counter-part by means of a max-min formulation which is defined on exponentially-many variables associated with the circuits and paths. We propose different exact approaches to solve it: either based on the result of Bertsimas and Sim or on a reformulation to a single-level problem. In both cases, the core algorithm is based on a Branch-Price-and-Cut approach where the exponentially-many variables are dynamically generated. The computational experiments prove the efficiency of our approach. |
Jeudi 28 Novembre
Heure: |
10:30 - 11:30 |
Lieu: |
Salle C314 |
Résumé: |
Benders Adaptive-Cuts Method for Two-Stage Stochastic Programs |
Description: |
Eduardo Moreno Two-stage stochastic programs (TSSP ) are a classic model where a decision must be made before the realization of a random event, allowing recourse actions to be performed after observing the random values. For example, many classic optimization problems, like network flows or facility location problems, became TSSP if we consider, for example, a random demand. Benders decomposition is one of the most applied methods to solve TSSP with a large number of scenarios. The main idea behind the Benders decomposition is to solve a large problem by replacing the values of the second-stage subproblems with individual variables, and progressively forcing those variables to reach the optimal value of the subproblems, dynamically inserting additional valid constraints, known as Benders cuts. Most traditional implementations add a cut for each scenario (multi-cut) or a single-cut that includes all scenarios. In this paper we present a novel Benders adaptive-cuts method, where the Benders cuts are aggregated according to a partition of the scenarios, which is dynamically refined using the LP-dual information of the subproblems. This scenario aggregation/disaggregation is based on the Generalized Adaptive Partitioning Method (GAPM). We formalize this hybridization of Benders decomposition and the GAPM, by providing sufficient conditions under which an optimal solution of the deterministic equivalent can be obtained in a finite number of iterations. Our new method can be interpreted as a compromise between the Benders single-cuts and multi-cuts methods, drawing on the advantages of both sides, by rendering the initial iterations faster (as for the single-cuts Benders) and ensuring the overall faster convergence (as for the multi-cuts Benders). Computational experiments on three TSSPs validate these statements, showing that the new method outperforms the other implementations of Benders method, as well as other standard methods for solving TSSPs, in particular when the number of scenarios is very large.
Joint work with Ivana Ljubic (ESSEC Business School). |