4 Novembre - 10 Novembre

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Jeudi 7 Novembre
Heure: 10:30 - 11:30
Lieu: Salle D214
Résumé: Binary Classifiers via Semi-definite Programming
Description: Benedetto Manca Abstract: Starting from the general proposal of Grzybowski et al. that defines the concept of separation of two finite point sets X and Y by means of a convex set S, we consider the case where S is the minimum volume ellipsoid that intersects the convex combinations of all pairs of points in X and Y. According to this separation rule it is possible to consider an ellipsoid S which contains one class and leave out the other one, or an ellipsoid that does not contain neither of the two classes but still separates them. These two cases can be used to define two binary classifiers whose fitting problems relies on the solution of different Semi-definite programs. In this seminar I will introduce both ellipsoidal binary classifiers together with the corresponding semi-definite programming and some algorithmic approaches to solve it more efficiently. Some numerical experiments will be also presented.