26 Mars - 1 Avril

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Mardi 27 Mars
Heure: 12:30 - 13:30
Lieu: Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse
Résumé: Complexity of the cluster deletion problem on cographs and subclasses of chordal graphs
Description: Mario Valencia Pabon We consider the following vertex-partition problem on graphs,
known as the CLUSTER DELETION (CD) problem: given a graph with real
nonnegative edge weights, partition the vertices into clusters (in this
case, cliques) to minimize the total weight of edges outside the
clusters. The decision version of this
optimization problem is known to be NP-complete even for unweighted
graphs and has been studied extensively. In this talk, I will focus on
the complexity of the decision CD problem for the family of chordal
graphs, showing that it is NP-complete for weighted split graphs,
weighted interval graphs and unweighted chordal graphs. We will also see
that the problem is NP-complete for weighted cographs. Some
polynomial-time solvable cases of the optimization problem will be
identified, in particular CD for unweighted cographs, split graphs,
unweighted proper interval graphs and weighted block graphs.

This is a joint work with Flavia Bonomo and Guillermo Duràn (University
of Buenos Aires).