13 Janvier - 19 Janvier

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Mardi 14 Janvier
Heure: 12:00 - 13:30
Lieu: Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse
Résumé: An Exact Placement Approach for Optimizing Cost and Recovery Time under Faulty Multi-Cloud Environments
Description: Felipe Di­az Sanchez Currently, Cloud brokers bring interoperability and portability of
applications across multiple Clouds. In the future, Cloud brokers will
offer services based on their knowledge of Cloud providers
infrastructure to automatically and cost-effectively overcome
performance degradation. In this paper, we present a Mixed-Integer
Linear Program (MILP) that provides a cost-effective placement across
multiple Clouds. Our MILP formulation considers parameters of Cloud
providers such as price, configuration of VMs, network latency, and
provisioning time. We evaluate the cost-effectiveness of deploying a
Cloud infrastructure into a single or across multiple Cloud providers
by using real prices and VM configurations. The results show that in
some cases may be cost-effective to distribute the infrastructure
across multiple Cloud providers. We also propose three placement
policies for faulty multi-Cloud scenarios. The best of these policies
minimizes the cost of the Cloud infrastructure under fixed
provisioning time values.