Lundi 7 Décembre

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Lundi 7 Décembre
Heure: 12:30 - 13:30
Lieu: Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse
Résumé: wikiSERA: Domain independent evaluation of automatic summaries using relevance analysis on Wikipedia
Description: Jorge Garcia Flores Text summarization has been the subject of increasing research efforts in the last years. However, automatic summary evaluation is as crucial as the summarization task itself. For more than 15 years, the dominant approach for evaluating this task has been ROUGE [Lin, 2004], a machine translation inspired lexical comparison between a candidate machine summary and a set of human gold standard summaries. Lexical comparison might be a suitable evaluation approach for extractive summarization systems. However, the methodological leap of Deep Learning brought increasing research efforts on abstractive summarization, which raised some questions about the pertinence of an all-lexical evaluation perspective. In this work we present wikiSERA, an open source improvement of the SERA evaluation method [Cohan et al., 2018], based on a semantic comparison of information extraction vectors from a document base. We adapted the method to generic domain summarization and provide to the community a Wikipedia based implementation that shows robust correlation with human evaluations.


Après le séminaire on va saluer Jorge qui nous quitte pour quelques mois, avec un apéro de "résistance" (contre la Covid, la LPR, etc..)