Mardi 15 Avril

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Mardi 15 Avril
Heure: 14:00 - 17:00
Lieu: Salle B107, bâtiment B, Université de Villetaneuse
Résumé: Some algebraic structures on chip firing game
Description: Ha Duong Phan The chip firing game is a discrete dynamical model ongraphs which was first defined by D. Dhar (1990) and by A. Björner, L.Lovasz and W. Shor (1991). The model has various applications in manyfields of science such as physics, computer science, social science andmathematics. Recently, this model is used as a tool to study manyproperties of graphs and it was proved to be related to subjects of graphtheory, such as Laplacian matrix, Tutte polynomial, spanning tree orgraphic matroid, etc. In this talk, I will present some algebraicstructure raised on this model.