PACT’04 |
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site for PACT'2004 (Parallel Architecture and Compilation
Techniques) to be held in Antibes Juan-les-Pins, September 29 -
October 3, 2004. |
Update |
PACT is a multi-disciplinary conference that brings together researchers from the hardware and software areas to present ground-breaking research related to parallel systems ranging across instruction-level parallelism, thread-level parallelism, multiprocessor parallelism and distributed systems. PACT features cutting-edge research in architecture, compilers, languages and applications across a broad range of topics, including, but not limited to:
DATES: : change in the submission deadline. Full paper deadline, now 31st of March. No need to submit abstract before. Please, follow the and click on the web site. The author rebuttal window is 10-14th of June and the notification of acceptance is 30th of June. |
WORKSHOPS Organizers: Sandro Barolini (University of Siena, Italy), Pierfrancesco Foglia (Univeristy of Pisa, Italy), Antonio Prete (University of Pisa, Italy) Duration: 0.5 day Schedule: Wednesday, Sept. 29, 8-12AM , This workshop has been : B- The 3rd Workshop on Hardware/Software Support for High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing (SHPSEC-04) Organizers: Barbara Chapman (University of Houston), Ramon Doallo Biempica (University of A Coruna, Spain), Prof. Minyi Guo, (University of Aizu, Japan), Prof. Juan Tourio (University of A Coruna, Spain), Prof. Laurence Tianruo Yang (St. Francis Xavier University, Canada) Duration: 2 days Schedule: Wednesday and Thursday, September 29 and 30. C- Workshop on Adaptive Grid Middleware (AgridM) Organizer: Wilson Rivera (University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez) and Thilo Kielmann (Vrije University, The Netherlands) Duration: .5 day Schedule: Tuesday September 30, 8 – 12 AM D- International Workshop on Storage Network Architectures and Parallel IO (SNAPI) Organizers: Hong Jian (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Qing Yang (University of Rhode Island) Duration: 1 day Schedule: Thursday, September 30. TUTORIALS KEYNOTES FINAL PROGRAM SUBMIT A
PAPER For all problem concerning registration, please contact Christophe Cérin. For all problems concerning local arrangement (transportation, accomodation...), please contact Marie-Hélène Zeitoun REGISTRATION ACCOMODATION LOCAL INFORMATION / TRANSPORTATION For flight information, refer to the web site of Nice Airport which is the main international airport closed (13km) to the conference location. If you want to prepare your stay and to enjoy the french riviera, visit the web site of the department of tourism of Antibes Juan-les-Pins. Located between Nice and Cannes, 13 kilometers away from the Nice Côte d'Azur international airport, Antibes Juan-les-Pins ranks as the second largest town in the Côte d'Azur region (after Nice and just ahead of Cannes). The town has one of the prettiest coastal landscapes in France, which spreads on about 25 kilometers. The Sophia-Antipolis technological park is located at the North East of the city. The history of the city is best chronicled by events over the past centuries in France and in Europe, which have affected the evolution of this city. The settlement, first named Antipolis, was an essential commercial port for ancient Greek vessels. Under Roman invasion, the city became known as Antiboul, and developed into an important commercial center and harbor for ships in the Mediterranean basin. The Picasso museum was founded on the ancient acropolis of the Greek town Antipolis, a Roman castrum, residence of the bishops in the Middle Ages and inhabited until 1608 by the Grimaldi family who have gave their name to the chateau . In 1928, the chateau was bought by the town of Antibes Juan-les-Pins and transformed into a Museum of Art, History and Archeology. STUDENT TRAVEL
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