2ed International Workshop on Dynamic Networks and Knowledge Discovery

15 September 2014 NANCY France


Modeling and analyzing networks is a major emerging topic in different research areas, such as computational biology, social science, document retrieval, etc. Nowadays, the scientific communities have access to huge volumes of network-structured data, such as social networks, gene/proteins/metabolic networks, sensor networks, peer-to-peer networks. Most often, these data are not only static, but they are collected at different time points. This dynamic view of the system allows the time component to play a key role in the comprehension of the evolutionary behavior of the network.

Handling such data is a major challenge for current research in machine learning and data mining, and it has led to the development of recent innovative techniques that consider complex/multi-level networks, time-evolving graphs, heterogeneous information (nodes and links), and requires scalable algorithms that are able to manage huge and complex networks.

DyNaK workshop is motivated by the interest of providing a meeting point for scientists with different backgrounds that are interested in the study of large complex networks and the dynamic aspects of such networks. It aims at attracting contributions from both aspects of networks analysis: large real network analysis and modelling, and knowledge discovery within those networks.

DyNaK II is now closed.
Thanks to all authors, participants and program committee members for their valuable contribution to the success of this workshop. 

See you all in the next edition of DyNaK !

CEUR VOL. 1229